This tool is still new and may be buggy. Please report problems and let me know what theaters you want to see added.
Theater Generator
This tool is designed to give average users and server admins the ability to create custom theater files for their servers, without needing to understand how to modify them. Theater files are the way that Insurgency tracks practically all player/item/weapon stats and settings, allowing a good amount of customization and changing of gameplay to your tastes. The tool has several types of resources.
  • Item Groups: These are groups which can be modified to make changes to all player loadouts based on item grouping. So, it could be used to make a theater with only pistols and grenades, or give all players LMGs for example.
  • Mutators: Simple scripts that change all settigs in a theater based upon rules. For example, "Set all weapon weight to 0".
  • Snippets: Modulat theater files that make a tweak to gameplay in a more detailed manner, such as:
    • Giving all players a specific kit
    • Removing the ability to slide
    • Adding new weapons
    • Adjusting team and player class composition
As more players use this tool, we will be accepting snippets and mutators from the community to increase the utility of this tool, so please feel free to add me on steam if you want to contribute.
Base Theater
Select the base theater file to use. This will be used as the starting point for the modifications you select.
mod: version: theater:
Include all base theaters into one standalone theater? Will create a bigger theater, but it will have no dependencies.
Theater Snippets
These are pieces of other mods that can be assembled into a finished theater file
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