Viewing server from insurgency version

mod: version: cvarlist:
_resetgamestatscmdErases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file
_restartcmdShutdown and restart the engine.
achievement_debug0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDTurn on achievement debug msgs.
achievement_disable0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDTurn off achievements.
addipcmdAdd an IP address to the ban list.
adminlist_adminflag0admin flag to use for list. must be in char format
adminlist_mode1mode that changes how the list appears..
adminlist_on1turns on and off admin list, 1=on ,0=off
adminlist_version1SPONLYNOTIFYREPLICATEDAdmin List Version
ai_debug_los0GAMEDLLCHEATNPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'l
ai_expression_frametime0GAMEDLLMaximum frametime to still play background expressions.
ai_expression_optimization0GAMEDLLDisable npc background expressions when you can't see them.
ai_setupbones_debug0GAMEDLLShows that bones that are setup every think
air_densitycmdChanges the density of air for drag computations.
aliascmdAlias a command.
anim_3wayblend1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDToggle the 3-way animation blending code.
anim_showstate-1GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDShow the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
anim_showstatelog0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATED1 to output anim_showstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimState.log. 3 for both.
async_allow_held_files1Allow AsyncBegin/EndRead()
async_mode0Set the async filesystem mode (0 = async, 1 = synchronous)
async_serialize0Force async reads to serialize for profiling
async_simulate_delay0Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation
banidcmdAdd a user ID to the ban list.
banipcmdAdd an IP address to the ban list.
bindcmdBind a key.
bind_osxcmdBind a key for OSX only.
BindTogglecmdPerforms a bind <key> 'increment var <cvar> 0 1 1'
blackbox_dumpcmdDump the contents of the blackbox
blackbox_recordcmdRecord an entry into the blackbox
bot_aim_aimtracking_base0GAMEDLLCHEATHow often we should sample our target's position and velocity to update our aim tracking, to allow realistic slop in tracking
bot_aim_aimtracking_frac_easy1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the head aim tracking interval if difficulty is easy
bot_aim_aimtracking_frac_hard0GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the head aim tracking interval if difficulty is hard
bot_aim_aimtracking_frac_impossible0GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the head aim tracking interval if difficulty is impossible
bot_aim_aimtracking_frac_sprinting_target0GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the head aim tracking interval if target is sprinting
bot_aim_angularvelocity_base920GAMEDLLCHEATHow fast do the bots turn their heads ( deg/second )
bot_aim_angularvelocity_base_ooc800GAMEDLLCHEATHow fast do the bots turn their heads WHEN OUT OF COMBAT( deg/second )
bot_aim_angularvelocity_frac_easy0GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the angular velocity if difficulty is easy
bot_aim_angularvelocity_frac_hard1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the angular velocity if difficulty is hard
bot_aim_angularvelocity_frac_impossible1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the angular velocity if difficulty is impossible
bot_aim_angularvelocity_frac_sprinting_target1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the angular velocity if target is sprinting
bot_aim_angularvelocity_uber1400GAMEDLLCHEATHow fast do the bots turn their heads ( deg/second ) (uberbot)
bot_aim_attack_aimtolerance_frac_easy1GAMEDLLCHEATThe easy frac for aim tolerance for the bots
bot_aim_attack_aimtolerance_frac_hard0GAMEDLLCHEATThe hard frac for aim tolerance for the bots
bot_aim_attack_aimtolerance_frac_impossible0GAMEDLLCHEATThe impossible frac for aim tolerance for the bots
bot_aim_attack_aimtolerance_frac_normal1GAMEDLLCHEATThe normal frac for aim tolerance for the bots
bot_aimtracking_frac_survival_end0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied at end (level 30) of Survival
bot_aimtracking_frac_survival_start1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied at start of Survival
bot_aimtracking_uber0GAMEDLLCHEATHow often we should sample our target's position and velocity to update our aim tracking, to allow realistic slop in tracking (
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_close50GAMEDLLCHEATHow much should we offset our aim after just spotting enemy nearby
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_far120GAMEDLLCHEATHow much should we offset our aim after just spotting enemy a long way away
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_dark1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac to multiply against the aim penalty amount when target is in darkness
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_easy1GAMEDLLCHEATMultiply amt by this much for easy difficulty
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_hard0GAMEDLLCHEATMultiply amt by this much for hard difficulty
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_impossible0GAMEDLLCHEATMultiply amt by this much for impossible difficulty
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_light1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac to multiply against the aim penalty amount when target is in lightness
bot_attack_aimpenalty_time_close0GAMEDLLCHEATHow long before we stop penalizing aim position nearby?
bot_attack_aimpenalty_time_far9GAMEDLLCHEATHow long before we stop penalizing aim position a long way away?
bot_attack_aimpenalty_time_frac_dark1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac to multiply against the aim penalty time when target is in darkness
bot_attack_aimpenalty_time_frac_light1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac to multiply against the aim penalty time when target is in lightness
bot_attack_aimtolerance_newthreat_amt3GAMEDLLCHEATHow much should we artificially bloat aimtolerance boxes for enemies we just spotted?
bot_attack_aimtolerance_newthreat_amt_solo1GAMEDLLCHEATHow much should we artificially bloat aimtolerance boxes for enemies we just spotted? (solo)
bot_attack_aimtolerance_newthreat_time0GAMEDLLCHEATHow long before we stop artificially bloating aimtolerance box?
bot_attack_aimtolerance_newthreat_time_solo0GAMEDLLCHEATHow long before we stop artificially bloating aimtolerance box? (solo)
bot_attack_burst_maxtime0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe maximum amount of time the bot pulls the trigger for automatic weapons
bot_attack_burst_maxtime_solo0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe maximum amount of time the bot pulls the trigger for automatic weapons (solo)
bot_attack_burst_mintime0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe minimum amount of time the bot pulls the trigger for automatic weapons
bot_attack_burst_mintime_solo0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe minimum amount of time the bot pulls the trigger for automatic weapons (solo)
bot_attack_retarget_maxtime0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe maximum amount of time until the bot retargets
bot_attack_retarget_mintime0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe minimum amount of time until the bot retargets
bot_attackdelay_base1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDAttack delay base value in seconds
bot_attackdelay_frac_desiredrange0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied if distance is greater than hipfire range
bot_attackdelay_frac_difficulty_easy2GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied if in easy difficulty
bot_attackdelay_frac_difficulty_hard0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied if in hard difficulty
bot_attackdelay_frac_difficulty_impossible0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied if in impossible difficulty
bot_attackdelay_frac_hipfirerange0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied if within hipfire range
bot_attackdelay_frac_maxrange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied if distance is greater than desired range
bot_attackdelay_frac_outofrange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied if distance is greater than max range
bot_attackdelay_frac_outsidefov1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied if the bot is not looking at the player
bot_attackdelay_frac_survival_end0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied at end (level 20) of Survival
bot_attackdelay_frac_survival_start1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied at start of Survival
bot_damage1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFloat representing the damage bots give off.
bot_fov_frac_survival_end1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied at end (level 30) of Survival
bot_fov_frac_survival_start0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied at start of Survival
bot_hearing_flashbang_effect_max_distance750GAMEDLLCHEATMax range that a flashbang will effect the bots
bot_hearing_flashbang_effect_max_time10GAMEDLLCHEATMax time that a flashbang will effect the bots
bot_hearing_grenade_hearing_range3000GAMEDLLCHEATHow far away can a bot hear a grenade explosion
bot_hearing_silenced_weapon_sound_reduction0GAMEDLLCHEATBy what percentage do silenced weapons reduce the hearing range
bot_investigate_sneak_lightvalue0GAMEDLLCHEATThe light value the bot must be in order to activate sneak
bot_loco_hurry_sprinthold_max1GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum tme to hold the sprint when ShouldHurry returns true
bot_loco_hurry_sprinthold_min0GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum tme to hold the sprint when ShouldHurry returns true
bot_loco_path_max_retreat_length420GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum distance a bot will run a retreat path
bot_loco_path_minlookahead120GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum look-ahead distance for bot pathing
bot_loco_pronehold_max8GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum tme to hold the prone button
bot_loco_pronehold_min3GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum tme to hold the prone button
bot_loco_slowdown_walkhold_max1GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum tme to hold the walk button when within slowdown distance
bot_loco_slowdown_walkhold_min0GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum tme to hold the walk button when within slowdown distance
bot_mimic0GAMEDLLBot uses usercmd of player by index.
bot_range_frac_desiredrange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied to the desired range of bots
bot_range_frac_hipfirerange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied to the hipfire range of bots
bot_range_frac_maxrange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied to the max range of bots
bot_recognizetime_frac_survival_end0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied at end (level 30) of Survival
bot_recognizetime_frac_survival_start1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFrac applied at start of Survival
bot_recoil_multiplier0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMultiplier applied to recoil if the shooter is a bot
bot_rpg_spawn_attackdelay15GAMEDLLCHEATBots won't shoot RPGs if within 8 seconds if players spawning
bot_silhouette_discover_timer3GAMEDLLCHEATTime in seconds that a silhouette remains visible after it's discovered
bot_silhouette_light_threshold_low0GAMEDLLCHEATLight data with a lower float value than this number will be considered low lighting
bot_silhouette_light_threshold_medium0GAMEDLLCHEATLight data with a lower float value than this number will be considered medium lighting
bot_silhouette_range_close1200GAMEDLLCHEATSilhouette has to be closer than this distance to qualify as close
bot_silhouette_range_far3000GAMEDLLCHEATSilhouette has to be further than this distance to qualify as far
bot_silhouette_range_movement4000GAMEDLLCHEATMovement makes silhouette easier to read within this range
bot_silhouette_readtime_clear0GAMEDLLCHEATTime it takes to shoot at a clear silhouette
bot_silhouette_readtime_dark7GAMEDLLCHEATTime it takes to shoot at a dark silhouette
bot_silhouette_readtime_fuzzy1GAMEDLLCHEATTime it takes to shoot at a fuzzy silhouette
bot_silhouette_scan_frequency0GAMEDLLCHEATTime in seconds between each silhouette scan if a silhouette is not visible
bot_targeting_noise_x_base60GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise X value
bot_targeting_noise_x_base_solo15GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise X value (solo)
bot_targeting_noise_x_frac_desiredrange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to X value on desired range
bot_targeting_noise_x_frac_hipfirerange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to X value on hipfire range
bot_targeting_noise_x_frac_maxrange2GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to X value on max range
bot_targeting_noise_y_base60GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise Y value
bot_targeting_noise_y_base_solo15GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise Y value (solo)
bot_targeting_noise_y_frac_desiredrange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to Y value on desired range
bot_targeting_noise_y_frac_hipfirerange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to Y value on hipfire range
bot_targeting_noise_y_frac_maxrange2GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to Y value on max range
bot_targeting_noise_z_base80GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise Z value
bot_targeting_noise_z_base_solo20GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise Z value (solo)
bot_targeting_noise_z_frac_desiredrange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to Z value on desired range
bot_targeting_noise_z_frac_hipfirerange1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to Z value on hipfire range
bot_targeting_noise_z_frac_maxrange2GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe targeting noise frac applied to Z value on max range
bot_vis_foliage_threshold250GAMEDLLCHEATBots LoS checking against a target < than this will ignore foliage.
bot_vis_fov_attack_base90GAMEDLLCHEATFOV when the bot is trying to attack
bot_vis_fov_frac_easy0GAMEDLLCHEATFrac applied to the FOV if the difficulty is easy
bot_vis_fov_frac_hard1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac applied to the FOV if the difficulty is hard
bot_vis_fov_frac_impossible1GAMEDLLCHEATFrac applied to the FOV if the difficulty is impossible
bot_vis_fov_idle_base150GAMEDLLCHEATFOV when the bot is idle/guarding (normal difficulty)
bot_vis_recognizetime_base0GAMEDLLCHEATTime it takes for bot to recognize a target (normal difficulty)
bot_vis_recognizetime_frac_easy2GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the recognize time if difficulty is easy
bot_vis_recognizetime_frac_hard0GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the recognize time if difficulty is hard
bot_vis_recognizetime_frac_impossible0GAMEDLLCHEATFrac appplied to the recognize time if difficulty is impossible
buddhacmdToggle. Player takes damage but won't die. (Shows red cross when health is zero)
budget_toggle_groupcmdTurn a budget group on/off
bug_swapcmdAutomatically swaps the current weapon for the bug bait and back again.
cache_printcmdcache_print [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
cache_print_lrucmdcache_print_lru [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
cache_print_summarycmdcache_print_summary [section] Print out a summary contents of cache memory.
callvotecmdStart a vote on an issue.
cast_hullcmdTests hull collision detection
cast_raycmdTests collision detection
cc_norepeat5GAMEDLLIn multiplayer games, don't repeat captions more often than this many seconds.
cc_showmissing0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDShow missing closecaption entries.
ch_createairboatcmdSpawn airboat in front of the player.
ch_createjeepcmdSpawn jeep in front of the player.
changelevelcmdChange server to the specified map
changelevel2cmdTransition to the specified map in single player
changelevel_nextcmdImmediately changes to the next map in the map rotation for the server.
check_ammocmdCheck ammo of the current weapon
chet_debug_idle0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLIf set one, many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. Set two for super verbose info
choreo_spew_filter0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDSpew choreo. Use a sub-string or * to display all events.
cl_clock_correction1CHEATEnable/disable clock correction on the client.
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount200CHEATSets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset90CHEATAs the clock offset goes from cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset to this value (in milliseconds), it moves towards apply
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset10CHEATIf the clock offset is less than this amount (in milliseconds), then no clock correction is applied.
cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick999CHEATForce clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it).
cl_clock_showdebuginfo0CHEATShow debugging info about the clock drift.
cl_clockdrift_max_ms150CHEATMaximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode0CHEATMaximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
cl_csm_server_statuscmdUsage: cl_csm_server_status
cl_resend6Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt
cl_resend_timeout60Total time allowed for the client to resend the 'connect' attempt
cl_simdbones0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDUse SIMD bone setup.
cl_skipslowpath0CHEATSet to 1 to skip any models that don't go through the model fast path
cl_use_simd_bones1GAMEDLLREPLICATED1 use SIMD bones 0 use scalar bones.
clear_anim_cachecmdClears the animation cache, freeing the memory (until the next time a streaming animblock is requested).
clear_debug_overlayscmdclears debug overlays
clearmutescmdClear server side mutes for disconnected players
clientport27005Host game client port
cmdcmdForward command to server.
cmd1cmdsets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 1
cmd2cmdsets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 2
cmd3cmdsets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 3
cmd4cmdsets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 4
collision_testcmdTests collision system
con_logfile0Console output gets written to this file
con_timestamp0Prefix console.log entries with timestamps
coop0NOTIFYCooperative play.
cpu_level3CPU Level - Default: High
crashcmdCause the engine to crash (Debug!!)
csm_quality_level0Cascaded shadow map quality level, [0,3], 0=VERY_LOW, 3=HIGHEST
cvarlistcmdShow the list of convars/concommands.
datacachesize64Size in MB.
dbghist_addlinecmdAdd a line to the debug history. Format: <category id> <line>
dbghist_dumpcmdDump the debug history to the console. Format: <category id> Categories: 0: Entity I/O 1: AI Decisions 2: Sc
deathmatch1NOTIFYRunning a deathmatch server.
debug_touchlinks0GAMEDLLSpew touch link activity
developer0Set developer message level
devshots_nextmapcmdUsed by the devshots system to go to the next map in the devshots maplist.
differencescmdShow all convars which are not at their default values.
disable_static_prop_loading0CHEATIf non-zero when a map loads, static props won't be loaded
disconnectcmdDisconnect game from server.
disp_list_all_collideablecmdList all collideable displacements
display_elapsedtimecmdDisplays how much time has elapsed since the game started
dod_grenadegravity-420GAMEDLLCHEATgravity applied to grenades
drawcrosscmdDraws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z
drawlinecmdDraws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts0(SP only) - show entities that were copied using small optimized lists (FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE).
dt_UsePartialChangeEnts1(SP only) - enable FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE optimization.
dti_flushcmdWrite out the datatable instrumentation files (you must run with -dti for this to work).
dtwarning0Print data table warnings?
dtwatchclass0Watch all fields encoded with this table.
dtwatchdecode1When watching show decode.
dtwatchencode1When watching show encode.
dtwatchent-1Watch this entities data table encoding.
dtwatchvar0Watch the named variable.
dump_entity_sizescmdPrint sizeof(entclass)
dump_globalscmdDump all global entities/states
dumpentityfactoriescmdLists all entity factory names.
dumpeventqueuecmdDump the contents of the Entity I/O event queue to the console.
dumpgamestringtablecmdDump the contents of the game string table to the console.
dumpstringtablescmdPrint string tables to console.
dumptexallocscmdList currently allocated textures and properties about them
dumptheaterentityfactoriescmdLists all theater entity factory names.
echocmdEcho text to console.
ent_absboxcmdDisplays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Ar
ent_attachmentscmdDisplays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is loo
ent_autoaimcmdDisplays the entity's autoaim radius. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_bboxcmdDisplays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlay
ent_cancelpendingentfirescmdCancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire.
ent_createcmdCreates an entity of the given type where the player is looking.
ent_dumpcmdUsage: ent_dump <entity name>
ent_firecmdUsage: ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay]
ent_infocmdUsage: ent_info <class name>
ent_keyvaluecmdApplies the comma delimited key=value pairs to the entity with the given Hammer ID. Format: ent_keyvalue <entity id> <key1>=<v
ent_messagescmdToggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any mes
ent_messages_draw0GAMEDLLCHEATVisualizes all entity input/output activity.
ent_orientcmdOrient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default, only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' opt
ent_pausecmdToggles pausing of input/output message processing for entities. When turned on processing of all message will stop. Any mess
ent_pivotcmdDisplays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class
ent_rboxcmdDisplays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Ar
ent_removecmdRemoves the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_remove_allcmdRemoves all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name}
ent_rotatecmdRotates an entity by a specified # of degrees
ent_setangcmdSet entity angles
ent_setnamecmdSets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: {new entity name} {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wh
ent_setposcmdMove entity to position
ent_show_contexts0GAMEDLLShow entity contexts in ent_text display
ent_show_response_criteriacmdPrint, to the console, an entity's current criteria set used to select responses. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} /
ent_stepcmdWhen 'ent_pause' is set this will step through one waiting input / output message at a time.
ent_teleportcmdTeleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
ent_textcmdDisplays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_
ent_viewoffsetcmdDisplays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wha
execcmdExecute script file.
execifexistscmdExecute script file if file exists.
exitcmdExit the engine.
explodecmdKills the player with explosive damage
explodevectorcmdKills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
fadeincmdfadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.
fadeoutcmdfadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.
filesystem_buffer_size0Size of per file buffers. 0 for none
filesystem_native1Use native FS or STDIO
findcmdFind concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
find_entcmdFind and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substring. Format: find_ent <substring>
find_ent_indexcmdDisplay data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
findflagscmdFind concommands by flags.
fish_dormant0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDTurns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.
flushcmdFlush unlocked cache memory.
flush_lockedcmdFlush unlocked and locked cache memory.
fog_volume_debug0GAMEDLLIf enabled, prints diagnostic information about the current fog volume
forcebindcmdBind a command to an available key. (forcebind command opt:suggestedKey)
foundry_engine_get_mouse_controlcmdGive the engine control of the mouse.
foundry_engine_release_mouse_controlcmdGive the control of the mouse back to Hammer.
foundry_select_entitycmdSelect the entity under the crosshair or select entities with the specified name.
foundry_sync_hammer_viewcmdMove Hammer's 3D view to the same position as the engine's 3D view.
foundry_update_entitycmdUpdates the entity's position/angles when in edit mode
fps_max300Frame rate limiter
fps_max_splitscreen300Frame rate limiter, splitscreen
fs_monitor_read_from_pack00:Off, 1:Any, 2:Sync only
fs_printopenfilescmdShow all files currently opened by the engine.
fs_report_sync_opens00:Off, 1:Always, 2:Not during load
fs_warning_levelcmdSet the filesystem warning level.
fs_warning_mode00:Off, 1:Warn main thread, 2:Warn other threads
fx_new_sparks1GAMEDLLCHEATUse new style sparks.
g_debug_constraint_sounds0GAMEDLLCHEATEnable debug printing about constraint sounds.
g_debug_transitions0GAMEDLLSet to 1 and restart the map to be warned if the map has no trigger_transition volumes. Set to 2 to see a dump of all entities
gamestats_file_output_directory0GAMEDLLWhen -gamestatsfileoutputonly is specified, file will be emitted here instead of to modpath
givecmdGive item to player. Arguments: <item_name>
give_ammocmdGive ammo for active weapon to the player
give_gearcmdGive a Gear to the player
give_supplycmdCheat to give player x number of supply
give_upgradecmdInstall weapon upgrade for active weapon to the player
give_weaponcmdGive a weapon to the player
global_event_log_enabled0GAMEDLLCHEATEnables the global event log system
global_setcmdglobal_set <globalname> <state>: Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = DEAD).
godcmdToggle. Player becomes invulnerable.
godscmdToggle. All players become invulnerable.
gpu_level3GPU Level - Default: High
gpu_mem_level3Memory Level - Default: High
grenade_debug_aoe0GAMEDLLCHEATShow AOE grenade radius
groundlistcmdDisplay ground entity list <index>
hammer_update_entitycmdUpdates the entity's position/angles when in edit mode
hammer_update_safe_entitiescmdUpdates entities in the map that can safely be updated (don't have parents or are affected by constraints). Also excludes entit
heartbeatcmdForce heartbeat of master servers
helpcmdFind help about a convar/concommand.
hide_server0GAMEDLLWhether the server should be hidden from the master server
hlx_block_commands1If activated HLstatsX commands are blocked from the chat area
hlx_message_prefix0Define the prefix displayed on every HLstatsX ingame message
hlx_protect_address0Address to be protected for logging/forwarding
hlx_server_tag1NOTIFYIf enabled, adds 'HLstatsX:CE' to server tags on supported games. 1 = Enabled (default), 0 = Disabled
hlxce_plugin_version1NOTIFYHLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin
host_filtered_time_reportcmdDumps time spent idle in previous frames in ms(dedicated only).
host_flush_threshold12Memory threshold below which the host should flush caches between server instances
host_framerate0Set to lock per-frame time elapse.
host_limitlocal0Apply cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection
host_map0Current map name.
host_runofftimecmdRun off some time without rendering/updating sounds
host_showcachemiss0Print a debug message when the client or server cache is missed.
host_ShowIPCCallCount0Print # of IPC calls this number of times per second. If set to -1, the # of IPC calls is shown every frame.
host_sleep0CHEATForce the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame.
host_speeds0Show general system running times.
host_threaded_sound1Run the sound on a thread (independent of mix)
host_threaded_sound_simplethread0Run the sound on a simple thread not a jobthread
host_timer_reportcmdSpew CPU timer jitter for the last 128 frames in microseconds (dedicated only)
host_timescale1REPLICATEDPrescale the clock by this amount.
hostfile0GAMEDLLThe HOST file to load.
hostip1247506560.000Host game server ip
hostname0Hostname for server.
hostport27015Host game server port
humanscmdShow user info for players on server.
hurtmecmdHurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose>
in_forceuser0CHEATForce user input to this split screen player.
incrementvarcmdIncrement specified convar value.
ins_bot_addcmdAdds a bot
ins_bot_add_t2cmdAdds a bot to team 2
ins_bot_approach_positioncmdApproach a vector position
ins_bot_arousal_combat_falloff0GAMEDLLArousal falloff when in combat but not being suppressed
ins_bot_arousal_combat_max5GAMEDLL0-10 how high can arousal go from being in combat alone
ins_bot_arousal_default_falloff0GAMEDLLHow fast arousal falls off OOC
ins_bot_arousal_firing_max5GAMEDLL0-10 how high can arousal go from firing weapon
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimpenalty_max1GAMEDLLArousal aimpenalty Frac Max Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimpenalty_med1GAMEDLLArousal aimpenalty Frac Halfway
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimpenalty_min1GAMEDLLArousal aimpenalty Frac Min Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimtolerance_max1GAMEDLLArousal aimtolerance Frac Max Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimtolerance_med1GAMEDLLArousal aimtolerance Frac Halfway
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimtolerance_min1GAMEDLLArousal aimtolerance Frac Min Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimtracking_max1GAMEDLLArousal Aimtracking Frac Max Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimtracking_med1GAMEDLLArousal Aimtracking Frac Halfway
ins_bot_arousal_frac_aimtracking_min1GAMEDLLArousal Aimtracking Frac Min Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_angularvelocity_max1GAMEDLLArousal angularvelocity Frac Max Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_angularvelocity_med1GAMEDLLArousal angularvelocity Frac Halfway
ins_bot_arousal_frac_angularvelocity_min0GAMEDLLArousal angularvelocity Frac Min Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_attackdelay_max1GAMEDLLArousal attackdelay Frac Max Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_attackdelay_med1GAMEDLLArousal attackdelay Frac Halfway
ins_bot_arousal_frac_attackdelay_min1GAMEDLLArousal attackdelay Frac Min Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_recognizetime_max1GAMEDLLArousal recognizetime Frac Max Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_frac_recognizetime_med0GAMEDLLArousal recognizetime Frac Halfway
ins_bot_arousal_frac_recognizetime_min1GAMEDLLArousal recognizetime Frac Min Arousal
ins_bot_arousal_suppression_falloff0GAMEDLLArousal falloff when being suppressed
ins_bot_arousal_suppression_max7GAMEDLL0-10 how high can arousal go from being suppressed
ins_bot_attack_pistol_fire_rate3GAMEDLLBase Rate for easy pistol fire, scaled faster by difficulty
ins_bot_attack_reload_ratio0GAMEDLLRatio of ammo that triggers a reload.
ins_bot_change_difficulty1GAMEDLLNOTIFYWhen to change bot difficulty, 1 = instantly, 0 = when new bots are added
ins_bot_count_checkpoint0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDA set bot count for Checkpoint.
ins_bot_count_checkpoint_default0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThis is the default bot count for Checkpoint that the server will reset to when hibernating.
ins_bot_count_checkpoint_max60ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe max bot count for Checkpoint.
ins_bot_count_checkpoint_min12ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe min bot count for Checkpoint.
ins_bot_count_conquer0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDA set bot count for conquer.
ins_bot_count_conquer_default12ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThis is the default bot count for conquer that the server will reset to when hibernating.
ins_bot_count_conquer_max24GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMax bot count in Conquer mode.
ins_bot_count_conquer_min8GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMin bot count in Conquer mode.
ins_bot_count_conquer_solo8ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDA set bot count for conquer in solo mode.
ins_bot_count_hunt0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDA set bot count for Checkpoint.
ins_bot_count_hunt_default0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThis is the default bot count for Hunt that the server will reset to when hibernating.
ins_bot_count_hunt_max60ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe max bot count for Hunt.
ins_bot_count_hunt_min12ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe min bot count for Hunt.
ins_bot_count_hunt_solo25ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDA set bot count for hunt in solo mode.
ins_bot_count_outpost0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDA set bot count for outpost.
ins_bot_count_outpost_default0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThis is the default bot count for Survival that the server will reset to when hibernating.
ins_bot_count_outpost_level_multiplier1ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDMultiplier applied to bot count each round that passes.
ins_bot_count_outpost_max18ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe max bot count at the end of outpost.
ins_bot_count_outpost_start_max14ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe max bot count at the start of outpost.
ins_bot_count_outpost_start_min7ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe min bot count at the start of outpost.
ins_bot_count_survival0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDA set bot count for Survival.
ins_bot_count_survival_day_start_max19ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe max bot count at the start of Survival during daytime.
ins_bot_count_survival_day_start_min14ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe min bot count at the start of Survival during daytime.
ins_bot_count_survival_default0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThis is the default bot count for Survival that the server will reset to when hibernating.
ins_bot_count_survival_level_multiplier1ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDMultiplier applied to bot count each round that passes.
ins_bot_count_survival_max24ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe max bot count at the end of Survival.
ins_bot_count_survival_start_max17ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe max bot count at the start of Survival.
ins_bot_count_survival_start_min12ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe min bot count at the start of Survival.
ins_bot_debug_combat_target0GAMEDLLCHEATShow active combat target
ins_bot_difficulty2GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDDifficulty of bots, 0-3
ins_bot_enemy_seen_notify_distance300GAMEDLLCHEATHearing range of bots when talking to eachother
ins_bot_friendly_death_hearing_distance100GAMEDLLCHEATHearing range of bots when a friendly dies nearby
ins_bot_ignore_human_triggers0GAMEDLLCHEATIf 1, bots will ignore all things human.
ins_bot_kickcmdKick a bot. Parameters: <#/bots> <team_id>
ins_bot_kick_t1cmdins_bot_kick_t1 kick bot from team two
ins_bot_kick_t2cmdins_bot_kick_t2 kick bot from team two
ins_bot_max_grenade_range900GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMax distance bots will try to throw grenades from
ins_bot_max_setup_gate_defend_range2000GAMEDLLCHEATHow far from the setup gate(s) defending bots can take up positions
ins_bot_min_setup_gate_defend_range750GAMEDLLCHEATHow close from the setup gate(s) defending bots can take up positions. Areas closer than this will be in cover to ambush.
ins_bot_min_setup_gate_sniper_defend_range1500GAMEDLLCHEATHow far from the setup gate(s) a defending sniper will take up position
ins_bot_path_compute_throttle_combat0GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum time between each path compute in combat (tweaked for optimization)
ins_bot_path_compute_throttle_ooc5GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum time between each path compute Out of Combat(tweaked for optimization)
ins_bot_path_distance_conquer12000GAMEDLLCHEATMax distance for pathing to objectives in Conquer (to tune performance)
ins_bot_path_distance_hunt20000GAMEDLLCHEATMax distance for pathing to objectives in Hunt (to tune performance)
ins_bot_path_distance_max12000GAMEDLLCHEATMax distance for pathing (to tune performance)
ins_bot_path_distance_outpost20000GAMEDLLCHEATMax distance for pathing to objectives in Outpost (to tune performance)
ins_bot_path_distance_patrol8000GAMEDLLCHEATMax distance for pathing to patrol areas (to tune performance)
ins_bot_path_distance_survival20000GAMEDLLCHEATMax distance for pathing to objectives in Survival (to tune performance)
ins_bot_path_update_interval0GAMEDLLCHEATTime between each path update (tweaked for optimization)
ins_bot_quota0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLHow many bots to place on each team when no players are present?
ins_bot_radio_range2000GAMEDLLCHEATHow close do bots need to be to hear radio commands from another.
ins_bot_radio_range_blocked_fraction0GAMEDLLCHEATIf we don't have LoS, cut down range by this much
ins_bot_rpg_minimum_firing_distance512GAMEDLLMinimum distance required to a target
ins_bot_rpg_minimum_player_cluster2GAMEDLLMinimum cluster size of players for bots to consider firing an RPG, 0 to disable RPG firing
ins_bot_rpg_player_cluster_bloat20GAMEDLLBloat applied to rpg targets
ins_bot_rpg_player_cluster_radius460GAMEDLLRadius from target to consider within a cluster
ins_bot_suppress_visible_requirement1GAMEDLLCHEATTotal time we have to have seen a threat before lighting him up!
ins_bot_suppressing_fire_duration2GAMEDLLCHEATHow long should we light up the last spotted area of a threat
ins_bot_survival_cache_notify_radius_max4800GAMEDLLCHEATNotify radius of cache capture in survival mode (in early game)
ins_bot_survival_cache_notify_radius_min2400GAMEDLLCHEATNotify radius of cache capture in survival mode (in later game)
ins_cache_buy_zone_size184GAMEDLLDefault size of the buy area on a weapon cache.
ins_cache_explosion_damage1000GAMEDLLDamage dealt by cache exploding
ins_cache_explosion_radius256GAMEDLLRadius of blast damage
ins_cache_health200GAMEDLLDefault health of a weapon cache entity.
ins_clear_attributecmdRemove given attribute from all areas in the selected set.
ins_deadcam_modes0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDRestricts Spectator Modes
ins_debug_centermass0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDebug the centermass attachment
ins_debug_head0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDebug the head attachment
ins_debug_navareascmdForce a round cleanup
ins_debug_spawnchange0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDDisplay enabled/disabled spawnpoints.
ins_markcmdSet attribute of selected area.
ins_nav_custom_analyzecmdRebuild All INS specific nav mesh attributes
ins_nav_rebuild_hiding_spotscmdRebuild Hiding Spots
ins_object_destroyed_damage_amount_default25GAMEDLLDamage dealt by object being destroyed
ins_object_destroyed_damage_radius_default50GAMEDLLRadius of damage
ins_object_health_default100GAMEDLLDefault health of a destructible object.
ins_outpost_attack_wave_dpr_end0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio at level 30
ins_outpost_attack_wave_dpr_start0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio at start
ins_outpost_bot_hurry_final_distance540GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFinal minimum distance for bots to sprint
ins_outpost_bot_hurry_initial_distance1800GAMEDLLREPLICATEDInitial minimum distance for bots to sprint
ins_outpost_bot_max_cache_destroyers3GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMax amount of bots attempting to destroy the cache at a single moment
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_amount_max1GAMEDLLMax (unclamped) number of smoke grenade targets to generate per interval
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_amount_min1GAMEDLLMin number of smoke grenade targets to generate per interval
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_amount_total3GAMEDLLAbsolute maximum of smoke grenade targets generated
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_interval_max15GAMEDLLMaximum delay between smoke targets being generated.
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_interval_min35GAMEDLLMinimum delay between smoke targets being generated.
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_length_max15GAMEDLLMax duration of grenade targets
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_length_min35GAMEDLLMin duration of grenade targets
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_scale_max20GAMEDLLMaximum level used in smoke scaling
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_scale_min0GAMEDLLMinimum level used in smoke scaling
ins_outpost_bot_smoke_variance5GAMEDLLRandom variance added to the interval
ins_outpost_bot_spawn_distance2000GAMEDLLMin distance between players and bot spawn zones
ins_outpost_bot_spawn_update_interval5GAMEDLLSeconds between each check to update which spawns are active/inactive
ins_outpost_bot_walk_final_distance200GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFinal maximum distance for bots to walk
ins_outpost_bot_walk_initial_distance1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDInitial maximum distance for bots to walk
ins_outpost_last_deployment_timer120GAMEDLLREPLICATEDSeconds the final deployment of the wave lasts for
ins_outpost_random_location_each_round1GAMEDLLWhether the cache being defended is randomized each round (otherwise will be on map load only)
ins_outpost_supply_frequency3GAMEDLLHow frequently (in waves) should players get a supply point
ins_select_with_attributecmdSelects areas with the given attribute.
ins_server_loadtheatercmdServer loads a theater
ins_survival_bot_spawn_distance2500GAMEDLLMin distance between players and bot spawn zones
ins_survival_bot_spawn_update_interval5GAMEDLLSeconds between each check to update which spawns are active/inactive
ins_survival_cache_distance_threshold_attacking500GAMEDLLthreshold distance for attacking team to each cache to capture/block
ins_survival_cache_distance_threshold_defending1000GAMEDLLthreshold distance for defending team to each cache to capture/block
ins_survival_cache_secure_cooldown_time15GAMEDLLTime before you can secure another safehouse
ins_survival_cache_secure_team_ratio0GAMEDLLPercentage of team required to secure a cache
ins_survival_coordinated_attack_time_max40GAMEDLLMax seconds that bots will attack the most recently captured point
ins_survival_coordinated_attack_time_min20GAMEDLLMin seconds that bots will attack the most recently captured point
ins_survival_human_spawn_update_interval1GAMEDLLSeconds between each check to update which spawns are active/inactive
ins_survival_next_cache_min_distance3500GAMEDLLDistance the next cache must be in order to qualify as the next possible objective
ins_survival_safehouse_tip_delay_max5GAMEDLLMax time before the attacking team is tipped off about your safehouse
ins_survival_safehouse_tip_delay_min1GAMEDLLMin time before the attacking team is tipped off about your safehouse
ins_teamsize0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMaximum team size
ins_terminal_access_zone_size72GAMEDLLDefault size of the terminal access area.
ins_terminal_health100GAMEDLLDefault health of a terminal entity.
ins_test_map_votecmdTest map vote
ins_vehicle_minibus_health320GAMEDLLDefault health of a minibus.
ins_wipe_attributescmdClear all INS-specific attributes of selected area.
inventory_buy_gearcmdBuys an item of gear
inventory_buy_upgradecmdBuys a weapon upgrade
inventory_buy_weaponcmdBuys a weapon
inventory_confirmcmdConfirming a purchase
inventory_print_weaponscmdPrint weapon purchases to server console
inventory_resetcmdReset the player's current loadout to the class default
inventory_resupplycmdResupply current loadout
inventory_sell_allcmdSell all items (except melee)
inventory_sell_gearcmdSells an item of gear
inventory_sell_upgradecmdSells an upgrade
inventory_sell_weaponcmdSell a weapon
inventory_set_firemodecmdSet firemode pref
ip0Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
item_flag_respawntime0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFlag respawn time.
joy_deadzone_mode10 => Cross-shaped deadzone (default), 1 => Square deadzone.
joy_xcontroller_found0Automatically set to 1 if an xcontroller has been detected.
kdtree_testcmdTests spatial partition for entities queries.
key_findbindingcmdFind key bound to specified command string.
key_listboundkeyscmdList bound keys with bindings.
key_updatelayoutcmdUpdates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.
kickcmdKick a player by name.
kickidcmdKick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
kickid_excmdKick a player by userid or uniqueid, provide a force-the-kick flag and also assign a message.
kid_announcetime5SS_ADDEDTime in seconds after an announce about turning killer infos on/off is printed to chat, set to -1 to disable.
kid_defaultpref1SS_ADDEDDefault client preference (0 - killer info display off, 1 - killer info display on)
kid_distancetype0SS_ADDEDSet to 'meters' to show the distance in 'meters' or 'feet' for feet.
kid_printtochat1SS_ADDEDPrints the killer info to the victims chat
kid_printtopanel1SS_ADDEDDisplays the killer info to the victim as a panel
kid_showarmorleft1SS_ADDEDSet to 0 to disable, 1 to show the armor, 2 to show the suitpower the killer has left.
kid_showdistance1SS_ADDEDSet to 1 to show the distance to the killer, 0 to disable.
kid_showweapon1SS_ADDEDSet to 1 to show the weapon the player got killed with, 0 to disable.
kid_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDKiller info display plugin version
killcmdKills the player with generic damage
killservercmdShutdown the server.
killvectorcmdKills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
ladder_autocenter1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDAuto-center players on ladders.
listidcmdLists banned users.
listipcmdList IP addresses on the ban list.
listissuescmdList all the issues that can be voted on.
listmodelscmdList loaded models.
listRecentNPCSpeechcmdDisplays a list of the last 5 lines of speech from NPCs.
loader_spew_info00:Off, 1:Timing, 2:Completions, 3:Late Completions, 4:Purges, -1:All
logcmdEnables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >.
logaddress_addcmdSet address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
logaddress_delcmdRemove address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
logaddress_delallcmdRemove all udp addresses being logged to
logaddress_listcmdList all addresses currently being used by logaddress.
mapcmdStart playing on specified map.
map_backgroundcmdRuns a map as the background to the main menu.
map_commentarycmdStart playing, with commentary, on a specified map.
map_noareas0Disable area to area connection testing.
mapcycledisabled0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDrepeats the same map after each match instead of using the map cycle
mapcyclefile0GAMEDLLName of the default .txt file used to cycle the maps on multiplayer servers
mapgroupcmdSpecify a map group
mapscmdDisplays list of maps.
mat_configcurrentcmdshow the current video control panel config for the material system
mat_evict_allcmdEvict all fine mipmaps from the gpu
mat_fastspecular1Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing. Will not reload materials and will not affect perf.
mat_hdr_enabledcmdReport if HDR is enabled for debugging
mat_infocmdShows material system info
mat_lightmap_pfms0Outputs .pfm files containing lightmap data for each lightmap page when a level exits.
mat_monitorgamma2ARCHIVEmonitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD)
mat_powersavingsmode0ARCHIVEPower Savings Mode
mat_print_top_model_vert_counts0Constantly print to screen the top N models as measured by total faces rendered this frame
mat_queue_mode-1The queue/thread mode the material system should use: -1=default, 0=synchronous single thread, 1=queued single thread, 2=queued
mat_reloadallmaterialscmdReloads all materials
mat_reloadmaterialcmdReloads a single material
mat_reloadtexturescmdReloads all textures
mat_rendered_faces_count0CHEATSet to N to count how many faces each model draws each frame and spew the top N offenders from the last 150 frames (use 'mat_re
mat_rendered_faces_spewcmd'mat_rendered_faces_spew <n>' Spew the number of faces rendered for the top N models used this frame (mat_rendered_faces_count
mat_reporthwmorphmemorycmdReports the amount of size in bytes taken up by hardware morph textures.
mat_resolveFullFrameDepth1Enable depth resolve to a texture. 0=disable, 1=enable via resolve tricks if supported in hw, otherwise disable, 2=force extra
mat_savechangescmdsaves current video configuration to the registry
mat_showmaterialscmdShow materials.
mat_showmaterialsverbosecmdShow materials (verbose version).
mat_showmiplevels0CHEATcolor-code miplevels 2: normalmaps, 1: everything else
mat_showtexturescmdShow used textures.
mat_software_aa_strength-1Software AA - perform a software anti-aliasing post-process (an alternative/supplement to MSAA). This value sets the strength o
mat_specular1Enable/Disable specularity for perf testing. Will cause a material reload upon change.
mat_spew_on_texture_size0Print warnings about vtf content that isn't of the expected size
mat_texture_reload_frame_swap_workaround0Workaround certain GL drivers holding unnecessary amounts of data when loading many materials by forcing synthetic frame swaps
mat_triplebuffered0This means we want triple buffering if we are fullscreen and vsync'd
mat_vsync0Force sync to vertical retrace
maxplayerscmdChange the maximum number of players allowed on this server.
mdlcache_dump_dictionary_statecmdDump the state of the MDLCache Dictionary.
melee_combo_reset_time1GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDSeconds after a swing until we reset the combo activities
mem_dumpcmdDump memory stats to text file.
mem_dumpstats0Dump current and max heap usage info to console at end of frame ( set to 2 for continuous output )
mem_force_flush0Force cache flush of unlocked resources on every alloc
mem_force_flush_section0Cache section to restrict mem_force_flush
mem_incremental_compact_rate0CHEATRate at which to attempt internal heap compation
mem_level3Memory Level - Default: High
mem_max_heapsize512Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
mem_max_heapsize_dedicated64Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache, for dedicated server (in mb)
mem_min_heapsize48Minimum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
mem_periodicdumps0Write periodic memstats dumps every n seconds.
mem_test_each_frame0Run heap check at end of every frame
mem_test_every_n_seconds0Run heap check at a specified interval
mem_test_quiet0Don't print stats when memtesting
mem_vcollidecmdDumps the memory used by vcollides
mem_verifycmdVerify the validity of the heap
memorycmdPrint memory stats.
metacmdMetamod:Source control options
metamod_version1SPONLYNOTIFYMetamod:Source Version
mm_basedir0SPONLYMetamod:Source Base Folder
mm_csgo_community_search_players_min3ARCHIVEWhen performing CSGO community matchmaking look for servers with at least so many human players
mm_datacenter_debugprintcmdShows information retrieved from data center
mm_dlc_debugprintcmdShows information about dlc
mm_pluginsfile0SPONLYMetamod:Source Plugins File
mm_server_search_lan_ports27015ARCHIVEPorts to scan during LAN games discovery. Also used to discover and correctly connect to dedicated LAN servers behind NATs.
mm_statuscmdMatchmaking status
mod_check_vcollide0Check all vcollides on load
mod_dont_load_vertices1For the dedicated server, don't load model vertex data
mod_forcedata1Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
mod_forcetouchdata1Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
mod_load_fakestall0Forces all ANI file loading to stall for specified ms
mod_load_preload1Indicates how far ahead in seconds to preload animations.
mod_load_showstall01 - show hitches , 2 - show stalls
mod_log_filesystem0Log the filesystem type
mod_touchalldata1Touch model data during level startup
motdfile0GAMEDLLThe MOTD file to load.
mp_allowspectators1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDtoggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not
mp_ambush_single_point_max10ARCHIVEGAMEDLLNOTIFYMax number of players where a single point is used
mp_autokick1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDKick team-killing players
mp_autokick_idlers0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDKick idlers players ( mins )
mp_autokick_tk_cooldown180GAMEDLLREPLICATEDAmount of time between TKs being cooled off
mp_autokick_tk_limit3GAMEDLLREPLICATEDNumber of TKs allowed before auto-kick
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_always3GAMEDLLREPLICATEDAlways have a counter-attack after each cap. Value represents number of human players needed.
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_capture_speedup0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDBot capture speed-up
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_delay12GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long (in seconds) until the enemy counter-attack wave spawns.
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_delay_finale15GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long (in seconds) until the enemy counter-attack wave spawns (finale).
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_disable0GAMEDLLREPLICATED1 to Disable all counter attacks in Checkpoint
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_duration65GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long a checkpoint counter-attack lasts
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_duration_finale120GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long a checkpoint counter-attack lasts
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_wave_finale60GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long until we get the subsequent waves in Checkpoint finale?
mp_clan_ready_signal0GAMEDLLText that team leader from each team must speak for the match to begin
mp_clan_readyrestart0GAMEDLLIf non-zero, game will restart once someone from each team gives the ready signal
mp_conquer_auto_reinforce_at_bot_count0GAMEDLLIf there are this many bots left alive, an automatic reinforcement will be deployed
mp_conquer_cache_destroyed_response_distance_high_strength4500GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to humans destroying a cache when high strength
mp_conquer_cache_destroyed_response_distance_low_strength3500GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to humans destroying a cache when low strength
mp_conquer_capture_finished_response_distance_high_strength5000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to humans finishing a capture when high strength
mp_conquer_capture_finished_response_distance_low_strength3000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to humans finishing a capture when low strength
mp_conquer_capture_start_followup_response_distance_high_strength16000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to humans starting a capture when high strength
mp_conquer_capture_start_followup_response_distance_low_strength7000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to humans starting a capture when low strength
mp_conquer_capture_start_response_distance_high_strength20000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to humans starting a capture when high strength
mp_conquer_capture_start_response_distance_low_strength9000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to humans starting a capture when low strength
mp_conquer_enemy_strength_all_caches1GAMEDLLThe percentage of bots to spawn when none of the caches are destroyed
mp_conquer_enemy_strength_all_caches_solo0GAMEDLLThe percentage of bots to spawn when none of the caches are destroyed in Solo mode
mp_conquer_enemy_strength_no_caches0GAMEDLLThe percentage of bots to spawn when all the caches are destroyed
mp_conquer_enemy_strength_no_caches_solo0GAMEDLLThe percentage of bots to spawn when all the caches are destroyed in Solo mode
mp_conquer_followup_wave_time_high_strength20GAMEDLLThe time after a capture is initiated that a second AI wave will spawn when high strength
mp_conquer_followup_wave_time_low_strength40GAMEDLLThe time after a capture is initiated that a second AI wave will spawn when low strength
mp_conquer_hostile_objective_response_distance_high_strength5000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to a human owned objective when high strength
mp_conquer_hostile_objective_response_distance_high_strength_solo2000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to a human owned objective when high strength
mp_conquer_hostile_objective_response_distance_low_strength3500GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to a human owned objective when low strength
mp_conquer_hostile_objective_response_distance_low_strength_solo400GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to a human owned objective when low strength
mp_conquer_last_man_standing_capture_speedup2GAMEDLLHow much faster capturing goes if you're the last man standing (scales towards this)
mp_conquer_losing_objective_response_distance_high_strength9000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to losing an objective when high strength
mp_conquer_losing_objective_response_distance_high_strength_solo5000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to losing an objective when high strength
mp_conquer_losing_objective_response_distance_low_strength6000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to losing an objective when low strength
mp_conquer_losing_objective_response_distance_low_strength_solo1500GAMEDLLThe distance bots will respond to losing an objective when low strength
mp_conquer_obj_recapture_distance_high_strength6000GAMEDLLThe distance bots will attempt to recapture a nearby enemy objective when high strength
mp_conquer_obj_recapture_distance_low_strength3500GAMEDLLThe distance bots will attempt to recapture a nearby enemy objective when low strength
mp_coop_ai_teammate_count0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDNumber of Teammates, 0 to fill lobby
mp_coop_ai_teammate_handicap0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow much should these bots impact enemy bot counts
mp_coop_ai_teammates0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDUse AI Teammate System
mp_coop_lobbysize6GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSize of coop lobby
mp_coop_max_bots18ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDMaximum number of bots allowed on the server.
mp_coop_min_bots5ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe number of bots used for 1 player.
mp_cp_capture_time30GAMEDLLNOTIFYcapture time in seconds
mp_cp_deteriorate_time8GAMEDLLNOTIFYdeteriorate time in seconds
mp_cp_proximity_check_frequency3GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDFrequency CP proximity should be checked
mp_cp_proximity_distance3500GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDDistance players are considered to be close to a capture zone
mp_cp_proximity_distance_sabotage1500GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDDistance players are considered to be close to a capture zone in sabotage
mp_cp_speedup_max5GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMaximum players to effect the speed-up.
mp_cp_speedup_rate0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSpeed-up rate per additional teammate in the cap zone.
mp_death_fade_in_duration3GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFade in duration from dying -> spectator
mp_death_fade_in_duration_critical0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFade out duration from dying from a headshot or explosion.
mp_death_fade_out_delay0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDeath fade out delay
mp_death_fade_out_delay_critical0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDeath fade out delay from a headshot or explosion
mp_death_fade_out_duration1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDFade out duration from dying.
mp_disable_autokickcmdPrevents a userid from being auto-kicked
mp_extract_point0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLNOTIFYPoint to use for patrol (0 = random, 1-3 = specified point)
mp_fadetoblack0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDfade a player's screen to black when he dies
mp_fall_damage_threshold0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMinimum HP of fall damage to be inflicted.
mp_fall_speed_fatal720GAMEDLLREPLICATEDsqrt( 2 * gravity * x * 12 )
mp_fall_speed_safe560GAMEDLLREPLICATEDsqrt( 2 * gravity * x * 12 )
mp_fall_speed_safe_iron250GAMEDLLREPLICATEDsqrt( 2 * gravity * x * 12 )
mp_forcecamera1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDRestricts spectator modes for dead players. 0 = Any team. 1 = Only own team. 2 = No one; fade to black on death (previously mp_
mp_fraglimit0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDThe number of kills at which the map ends
mp_freezetime15GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDRound freeze time in seconds
mp_friendlyfire1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAllows team members to injure other members of their team
mp_friendlyfire_damage0GAMEDLLThe frac value applied to friendly fire damage
mp_friendlyfire_damage_spawnarea0GAMEDLLThe frac value applied to friendly fire damage when either in a spawn area
mp_friendlyfire_explosives0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDWhen enabled, friendlies can set off each other's explosives if they are reactive.
mp_hunt_autoattack_bot_frac0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe % of bot players that need to be left before auto attack starts
mp_hunt_autoattack_distance_too_close400GAMEDLLREPLICATEDIf bots are closer than this distance to an alive player they won't auto attack
mp_hunt_autoattack_start_delay10GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe delay after the autoattack bot % is reached before the autoattack actually begins
mp_hunt_counterattack_distance6000GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDistance bots will respond to a cache blowing up
mp_hunt_nav_spawning0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDEnable experimental spawning system?
mp_hunt_patrol_proximity_to_cache3500GAMEDLLREPLICATEDBots will prioritize patrol point pathing within this range of their cache
mp_hunt_patrol_proximity_to_cache_destroyed1500GAMEDLLREPLICATEDBots will prioritize patrol point pathing within this range of their cache
mp_ignore_timer_conditions0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDIgnore round timer conditions.
mp_ignore_win_conditions0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDIgnore round win conditions.
mp_invasion_capture_time_extension300ARCHIVEGAMEDLLHow long (in seconds) the round should be extended for after a capture.
mp_invasion_counter_round0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDIf on, after full-cap victory, flip the attacking team for a counter attack round.
mp_invasion_deferred_advance0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDIf >0, advanced spawns will be delayed by this number of seconds.
mp_invasion_final_holdout_spawn_delay8GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDefenders get two spawns within this amount of time after the final territorial objective is captured since it's their final wa
mp_joinwaittime20GAMEDLLNOTIFYHow long to wait for the first round once the minimum players requirement has been reached.
mp_lobbytime10GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDLobby time in seconds
mp_match_restart_delay15GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTime (in seconds) until a match restarts.
mp_maxgames1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMax games before map change
mp_maxrounds5GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMax rounds before game ends
mp_minteamplayers1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDmin players on each team to start the match
mp_occupy_bonus_wave1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDNumber of waves given to a team for capturing the point.
mp_player_resupply_coop_delay_base20GAMEDLLDelay applied to resupplying
mp_player_resupply_coop_delay_max40GAMEDLLMax delay for resupply
mp_player_resupply_coop_delay_penalty10GAMEDLLDelay added for each additional resupply
mp_player_resupply_coop_grace15GAMEDLLGrace time in which the resupply delay is not applied.
mp_player_resupply_coop_grace_initial45GAMEDLLGrace timer applied when the player hasn't left spawn yet
mp_player_resupply_coop_penalty_reset45GAMEDLLTime taken to decrement resupply counter
mp_player_resupply_delay_base10GAMEDLLDelay applied to resupplying
mp_player_resupply_delay_max30GAMEDLLMax delay for resupply
mp_player_resupply_delay_penalty0GAMEDLLDelay added for each additional resupply
mp_player_resupply_grace120GAMEDLLGrace time in which the resupply delay is not applied.
mp_player_resupply_grace_initial45GAMEDLLGrace timer applied when the player hasn't left spawn yet
mp_player_resupply_penalty_reset5GAMEDLLTime taken to decrement resupply counter
mp_push_capture_time_extension300ARCHIVEGAMEDLLHow long (in seconds) the round should be extended for after a capture.
mp_push_counter_round0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDIf on, after full-cap victory, flip the attacking team for a counter attack round.
mp_push_deferred_advance0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDIf >0, advanced spawns will be delayed by this number of seconds.
mp_push_final_holdout_spawn_delay8GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDefenders get two spawns within this amount of time after the final territorial objective is captured since it's their final wa
mp_respawnwavetime_max0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMin respawn wave interval.
mp_respawnwavetime_min0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMax respawn wave interval.
mp_restartgame0GAMEDLLIf non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds
mp_restartround0GAMEDLLIf non-zero, round will restart in the specified number of seconds
mp_restricted_area_wpn_time3600GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTime a player can use their weapon inside a restricted area for.
mp_roundlives0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMax lives in a round
mp_roundtime3600GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDround time per map in seconds
mp_scrambleteamscmdScramble the teams and restart the game
mp_scrambleteams_auto0GAMEDLLNOTIFYServer will automatically scramble the teams if criteria met. Only works on dedicated servers.
mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference0GAMEDLLNOTIFYNumber of round wins a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble.
mp_searchdestroy_capture_time_extension120ARCHIVEGAMEDLLHow long (in seconds) the round should be extended for after a cache gets destroyed.
mp_searchdestroy_single_cache_max12ARCHIVEGAMEDLLNOTIFYMax number of players where a single cache is used
mp_showgestureslots-1GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDShow multiplayer client/server gesture slot information for the specified player index (-1 for no one).
mp_slammoveyaw0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDForce movement yaw along an animation path.
mp_spawnprotectiontime_navspawn15GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSpawn protection time in seconds when spawning on the nav
mp_spawnprotectontime30GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSpawn protection time in seconds
mp_spawns_per_frame6GAMEDLLMaximum number of players to spawn per frame
mp_spectator_allow_chase1ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDWhen set to 0, chase camera in spectator mode is disabled
mp_strike_capture_time_extension180ARCHIVEGAMEDLLHow long (in seconds) the round should be extended for after a capture.
mp_strike_capture_wave_decrement1ARCHIVEGAMEDLLHow many waves to deduct from defenders when a cache is blown
mp_supply_gain1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDWhether players earn supply throughout the course of a round depending on actions
mp_supply_gain_kill_assist_amount1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDOnce threshold is reached, how much supply is earned
mp_supply_gain_kill_assist_threshold5GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDTotal kills/assists to earn before being rewarded
mp_supply_gain_obj_cap1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAmount of supply players earn by capturing a point
mp_supply_gain_obj_destroyed1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAmount of supply players earn by destroying a cache
mp_supply_gain_obj_hero_cap1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAmount of supply players earn for hero capture on top of capturing
mp_supply_gain_regroup1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAmount of supply players earn by falling back to regroup
mp_supply_rate_losing_team_high0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAmount of supply the more skilled players on the losing team get
mp_supply_rate_losing_team_low0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAmount of supply the less skilled players on the losing team get
mp_supply_rate_winning_team_high0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAmount of supply the more skilled players on the winning team get
mp_supply_rate_winning_team_low0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAmount of supply the less skilled players on the winning team get
mp_supply_token_base30GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDThe amount of supply players start with
mp_supply_token_bot_base20GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDThe amount of supply bots start with
mp_supply_token_max30GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDThe maximum amount of supply a player can get
mp_survival_patrol_proximity_to_active_safehouse3000GAMEDLLREPLICATEDBots will prioritize patrol point pathing within this range of an active safehouse
mp_survival_patrol_proximity_to_potential_safehouse8000GAMEDLLREPLICATEDBots will prioritize patrol point pathing within this range of a potentially new safehouse
mp_switchteamscmdSwitch teams and restart the game
mp_switchteams_each_game0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSwitch the teams after each game
mp_switchteams_each_round0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDIf >0, switch the teams after x rounds
mp_switchteams_reset_supply1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDShould supply be reset when teams are switched?
mp_teams_auto_join1GAMEDLLWhen enabled, players are automatically assigned to a team on join.
mp_teams_unbalance_limit1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDTeams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)
mp_theater_override0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDIf set, the given theater file is loaded instead.
mp_timelimit0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDgame time per map in minutes
mp_timelimit_waiting3600GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTime to wait on an empty server before changing levels.
mp_timer_postgame5GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPostgame timer in seconds
mp_timer_postround5GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPostround timer in seconds
mp_timer_pregame5GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPregame timer in seconds
mp_timer_preround5GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPreround timer in seconds
mp_timer_preround_first15GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPreround timer in seconds for the first round
mp_timer_preround_switch30GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPreround timer in seconds when a team switch occurs
mp_timer_voting25GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDTime given to post-game voting.
mp_tkpunish1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDWill a TK'er be punished in the next round? {0=no, 1=warning, 2=kill}
mp_voice_radio_filter1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDShould a radio filter be applied to distant squad comms?
mp_voice_squad_radio1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDWhether to use the squad radio or not. Disabling this will force spatial only.
mp_voice_use_3d_voip0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDAlive players use spatial audio for voice communications?
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel0GAMEDLLSet to 1 to end the WaitingForPlayers period.
mp_waitingforplayers_restart0GAMEDLLSet to 1 to start or restart the WaitingForPlayers period.
mp_waitingforplayers_time0GAMEDLLWaitingForPlayers time length in seconds
mp_wave_capture_increment0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDAmount of waves awarded for capturing points
mp_wave_count_attackers10GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTotal waves for attackers
mp_wave_count_defenders20GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTotal waves for defenders
mp_wave_count_defenders_per_obj5GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTotal waves for defenders per objective (so Push can support many objectives)
mp_wave_count_perteam2GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTotal waves per team
mp_wave_dpr_attackers0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for attacking team
mp_wave_dpr_attackers_finale0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for attacking team during the last stand specifically
mp_wave_dpr_defenders0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for defending team
mp_wave_dpr_defenders_finale0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for defending team for the last objective specifically
mp_wave_dpr_perteam0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for both teams
mp_wave_dpr_survival_end0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio at level 30 of Survival game
mp_wave_dpr_survival_start0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDead player ratio at start of Survival game
mp_wave_grace_period30GAMEDLLREPLICATEDGrace period where if a reinforcement wave occurs it does not get deducted from wave count
mp_wave_max_wait_attackers30GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMax wave trigger time for attacking team
mp_wave_max_wait_defenders30GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMax wave trigger time for defending team
mp_wave_max_wait_perteam40GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMax wave trigger time for both teams
mp_wave_spawn_instant0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDServer side option to force instant spawning
mp_waves_enabled1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDWhether or not waves are enabled for this mode
mp_winlimit_coop1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDwin limit for coop
multvarcmdMultiply specified convar value.
muteidcmdServer side mute
namelockidcmdPrevent name changes for this userID.
nav_add_to_selected_setcmdAdd current area to the selected set.
nav_add_to_selected_set_by_idcmdAdd specified area id to the selected set.
nav_analyzecmdRe-analyze the current Navigation Mesh and save it to disk.
nav_area_bgcolor503316480GAMEDLLCHEATRGBA color to draw as the background color for nav areas while editing.
nav_area_max_size50GAMEDLLCHEATMax area size created in nav generation
nav_avoidcmdToggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system.
nav_begin_areacmdDefines a corner of a new Area or Ladder. To complete the Area or Ladder, drag the opposite corner to the desired location and
nav_begin_deselectingcmdStart continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_begin_drag_deselectingcmdStart dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_drag_selectingcmdStart dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_selectingcmdStart continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_begin_shift_xycmdBegin shifting the Selected Set.
nav_build_laddercmdAttempts to build a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor.
nav_check_file_consistencycmdScans the maps directory and reports any missing/out-of-date navigation files.
nav_check_floorcmdUpdates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
nav_check_stairscmdUpdate the nav mesh STAIRS attribute
nav_chop_selectedcmdChops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas
nav_clear_attributecmdRemove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.
nav_clear_selected_setcmdClear the selected set.
nav_clear_walkable_markscmdErase any previously placed walkable positions.
nav_compress_idcmdRe-orders area and ladder ID's so they are continuous.
nav_connectcmdTo connect two Areas, mark the first Area, highlight the second Area, then invoke the connect command. Note that this creates a
nav_corner_adjust_adjacent18GAMEDLLCHEATradius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners.
nav_corner_lowercmdLower the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
nav_corner_place_on_groundcmdPlaces the selected corner of the currently marked Area on the ground.
nav_corner_raisecmdRaise the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
nav_corner_selectcmdSelect a corner of the currently marked Area. Use multiple times to access all four corners.
nav_create_area_at_feet0GAMEDLLCHEATAnchor nav_begin_area Z to editing player's feet
nav_create_place_on_ground0GAMEDLLCHEATIf true, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when created by hand.
nav_crouchcmdToggles the 'must crouch in this area' flag used by the AI system.
nav_deletecmdDeletes the currently highlighted Area.
nav_delete_markedcmdDeletes the currently marked Area (if any).
nav_disconnectcmdTo disconnect two Areas, mark an Area, highlight a second Area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connec
nav_disconnect_outgoing_onewayscmdFor each area in the selected set, disconnect all outgoing one-way connections.
nav_displacement_test10000GAMEDLLCHEATChecks for nodes embedded in displacements (useful for in-development maps)
nav_dont_hidecmdToggles the 'area is not suitable for hiding spots' flag used by the AI system.
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset32GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe offset of the nav drag volume top from center
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset32GAMEDLLREPLICATEDThe offset of the nav drag volume bottom from center
nav_draw_limit500GAMEDLLCHEATThe maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode
nav_dump_selected_set_positionscmdWrite the (x,y,z) coordinates of the centers of all selected nav areas to a file.
nav_edit0GAMEDLLCHEATSet to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode.
nav_end_areacmdDefines the second corner of a new Area or Ladder and creates it.
nav_end_deselectingcmdStop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_end_drag_deselectingcmdStop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_drag_selectingcmdStop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_selectingcmdStop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_end_shift_xycmdFinish shifting the Selected Set.
nav_flood_selectcmdSelects the current Area and all Areas connected to it, recursively. To clear a selection, use this command again.
nav_gen_cliffs_approxcmdMark cliff areas, post-processing approximation
nav_generatecmdGenerate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
nav_generate_fencetops1GAMEDLLCHEATAutogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops
nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas1GAMEDLLCHEATConvert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections
nav_generate_incrementalcmdGenerate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
nav_generate_incremental_tolerance0GAMEDLLCHEATZ tolerance for adding new nav areas.
nav_jumpcmdToggles the 'traverse this area by jumping' flag used by the AI system.
nav_ladder_flipcmdFlips the selected ladder's direction.
nav_loadcmdLoads the Navigation Mesh for the current map.
nav_lower_drag_volume_maxcmdLower the top of the drag select volume.
nav_lower_drag_volume_mincmdLower the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_make_sniper_spotscmdChops the marked area into disconnected sub-areas suitable for sniper spots.
nav_markcmdMarks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.
nav_mark_attributecmdSet nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.
nav_mark_unnamedcmdMark an Area with no Place name. Useful for finding stray areas missed when Place Painting.
nav_mark_walkablecmdMark the current location as a walkable position. These positions are used as seed locations when sampling the map to generate
nav_max_view_distance6000GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = default 1500 units)
nav_mergecmdTo merge two Areas into one, mark the first Area, highlight the second by pointing your cursor at it, and invoke the merge comm
nav_merge_meshcmdMerges a saved selected set into the current mesh.
nav_no_hostagescmdToggles the 'hostages cannot use this area' flag used by the AI system.
nav_no_jumpcmdToggles the 'dont jump in this area' flag used by the AI system.
nav_place_floodfillcmdSets the Place of the Area under the cursor to the curent Place, and 'flood-fills' the Place to all adjacent Areas. Flood-filli
nav_place_listcmdLists all place names used in the map.
nav_place_pickcmdSets the current Place to the Place of the Area under the cursor.
nav_place_replacecmdReplaces all instances of the first place with the second place.
nav_place_setcmdSets the Place of all selected areas to the current Place.
nav_precisecmdToggles the 'dont avoid obstacles' flag used by the AI system.
nav_quicksave1GAMEDLLCHEATSet to one to skip the time consuming phases of the analysis. Useful for data collection and testing.
nav_raise_drag_volume_maxcmdRaise the top of the drag select volume.
nav_raise_drag_volume_mincmdRaise the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_recall_selected_setcmdRe-selects the stored selected set.
nav_remove_from_selected_setcmdRemove current area from the selected set.
nav_remove_jump_areascmdRemoves legacy jump areas, replacing them with connections.
nav_runcmdToggles the 'traverse this area by running' flag used by the AI system.
nav_savecmdSaves the current Navigation Mesh to disk.
nav_save_selectedcmdWrites the selected set to disk for merging into another mesh via nav_merge_mesh.
nav_select_blocked_areascmdAdds all blocked areas to the selected set
nav_select_damaging_areascmdAdds all damaging areas to the selected set
nav_select_half_spacecmdSelects any areas that intersect the given half-space.
nav_select_invalid_areascmdAdds all invalid areas to the Selected Set.
nav_select_larger_thancmdSelect nav areas where both dimensions are larger than the given size.
nav_select_obstructed_areascmdAdds all obstructed areas to the selected set
nav_select_orphanscmdAdds all orphan areas to the selected set (highlight a valid area first).
nav_select_overlappingcmdSelects nav areas that are overlapping others.
nav_select_radiuscmdAdds all areas in a radius to the selection set
nav_select_stairscmdAdds all stairway areas to the selected set
nav_selected_set_border_color-16751516GAMEDLLCHEATColor used to draw the selected set borders while editing.
nav_selected_set_color1623785472.000GAMEDLLCHEATColor used to draw the selected set background while editing.
nav_set_place_modecmdSets the editor into or out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
nav_shiftcmdShifts the selected areas by the specified amount
nav_show_approach_points0GAMEDLLCHEATShow Approach Points in the Navigation Mesh.
nav_show_area_info0GAMEDLLCHEATDuration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing
nav_show_continguous0GAMEDLLCHEATHighlight non-contiguous connections
nav_show_danger0GAMEDLLCHEATShow current 'danger' levels.
nav_show_dumped_positionscmdShow the (x,y,z) coordinate positions of the given dump file.
nav_show_func_nav_avoid0GAMEDLLCHEATShow areas of designer-placed bot avoidance due to func_nav_avoid entities
nav_show_func_nav_prefer0GAMEDLLCHEATShow areas of designer-placed bot preference due to func_nav_prefer entities
nav_show_player_counts0GAMEDLLCHEATShow current player counts in each area.
nav_show_potentially_visible0GAMEDLLCHEATShow areas that are potentially visible from the current nav area
nav_simplify_selectedcmdChops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas and re-merges them together into larger areas
nav_slope_limit0GAMEDLLCHEATThe ground unit normal's Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated.
nav_slope_tolerance0GAMEDLLCHEATThe ground unit normal's Z component must be this close to the nav area's Z component to be generated.
nav_snap_to_grid0GAMEDLLCHEATSnap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas
nav_solid_props1GAMEDLLCHEATMake props solid to nav generation/editing
nav_spawn_debug0GAMEDLLCHEATTurn on debug messages for spawn system
nav_spawn_debug_force_collectcmdRebuild All Nav Spawn Points
nav_spawn_enemy_maximum_distance_conquer5000GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum distance to players to consider (conquer)
nav_spawn_enemy_maximum_distance_hunt20000GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum distance to players to consider (hunt)
nav_spawn_enemy_maximum_distance_outpost6000GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum distance to players to consider (outpost)
nav_spawn_enemy_maximum_distance_survival5000GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum distance to players to consider (survival)
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_conquer800GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum distance to players to consider (conquer)
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_frac_conquer1GAMEDLLCHEATMap based Frac for Conquer during Round
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_frac_conquer_start2GAMEDLLCHEATMap based Frac for Conquer at the start of the Round
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_frac_hunt_start1GAMEDLLCHEATMap based Frac for Hunt at the start of the Round
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_frac_outpost1GAMEDLLCHEATMap based Frac for Outpost during Round
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_frac_outpost_start3GAMEDLLCHEATMap based Frac for Outpost at the start of the Round
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_frac_survival1GAMEDLLCHEATMap based Frac for Survival during Round
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_frac_survival_start4GAMEDLLCHEATMap based Frac for Survival at the start of the Round
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_hunt4000GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum distance to players to consider (hunt)
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_outpost500GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum distance to players to consider (outpost)
nav_spawn_enemy_minimum_distance_survival500GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum distance to players to consider (survival)
nav_spawn_max_player_distance_default7000GAMEDLLCHEATMaximum distance to players to consider
nav_spawn_min_area_size128GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum size of nav area tile to be considered
nav_spawn_min_bot_spawn_frequency0GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum time inbetween each bot spawn
nav_spawn_min_human_spawn_frequency0GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum time inbetween each human spawn
nav_spawn_min_player_distance_default1500GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum distance to players to consider
nav_spawn_min_spacing_sq1024GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum spacing inbetween each spawn point
nav_spawn_recollect_time60GAMEDLLCHEATMax time before spawn system discards and recollects spawn points
nav_spawn_rescore_time15GAMEDLLCHEATPersistently show the active spawns
nav_spawn_score_base1GAMEDLLCHEATBase score given to a nav spawn before anything is factored
nav_spawn_score_cachepoint_bonus1GAMEDLLCHEATbonus max for being near a cache point
nav_spawn_score_controlpoint_bonus2GAMEDLLCHEATbonus max for being near a control point
nav_spawn_score_controlpoint_proximity1500GAMEDLLCHEAThow far to fall off the controlpoint bonus
nav_spawn_score_discard0GAMEDLLCHEATMinimum score a nav spawn must have to be added
nav_spawn_score_enemy_player_proximity_bonus2GAMEDLLCHEATMax bonus to apply
nav_spawn_score_enemy_player_proximity_distance2000GAMEDLLCHEATIdeal distance from enemies for each spawn
nav_spawn_score_enemy_player_proximity_falloff3000GAMEDLLCHEATRange to apply the distance bonus
nav_spawn_score_friendly_spawn_bonus1GAMEDLLCHEATbonus max for being near a friendly spawn zone
nav_spawn_score_friendly_spawn_bonus_max_distance500GAMEDLLCHEAThow far to fall off the spawn zone bonus
nav_spawn_score_hiding_bonus1GAMEDLLCHEATBonus given to Nav Spawns derived from Hiding Spots
nav_spawn_score_inside1GAMEDLLCHEATModifier for areas that are inside
nav_spawn_score_potentially_visible0GAMEDLLCHEATModifier for areas that are potentially visible by enemy team
nav_spawn_score_random_max1GAMEDLLCHEATRandom modifier given to each spawn to prevent spawn patterns
nav_spawn_score_random_min0GAMEDLLCHEATRandom modifier given to each spawn to prevent spawn patterns
nav_spawn_score_spawn_point_bonus1GAMEDLLCHEATBonus given to Nav Spawns derived from Spawn Points
nav_splicecmdTo splice, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the splice command to create a new, connected area between them.
nav_splitcmdTo split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.
nav_split_place_on_ground0GAMEDLLCHEATIf true, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when split.
nav_standcmdToggles the 'stand while hiding' flag used by the AI system.
nav_stopcmdToggles the 'must stop when entering this area' flag used by the AI system.
nav_store_selected_setcmdStores the current selected set for later retrieval.
nav_stripcmdStrips all Hiding Spots, Approach Points, and Encounter Spots from the current Area.
nav_subdividecmdSubdivides all selected areas.
nav_test_stairscmdTest the selected set for being on stairs
nav_toggle_deselectingcmdStart or stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_toggle_in_selected_setcmdRemove current area from the selected set.
nav_toggle_place_modecmdToggle the editor into and out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
nav_toggle_place_paintingcmdToggles Place Painting mode. When Place Painting, pointing at an Area will 'paint' it with the current Place.
nav_toggle_selected_setcmdToggles all areas into/out of the selected set.
nav_toggle_selectingcmdStart or stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_transientcmdToggles the 'area is transient and may become blocked' flag used by the AI system.
nav_unmarkcmdClears the marked Area or Ladder.
nav_update_blockedcmdUpdates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
nav_update_lightingcmdRecomputes lighting values
nav_update_visibility_on_edit0GAMEDLLCHEATIf nonzero editing the mesh will incrementally recompue visibility
nav_use_placecmdIf used without arguments, all available Places will be listed. If a Place argument is given, the current Place is set.
nav_walkcmdToggles the 'traverse this area by walking' flag used by the AI system.
nav_warp_to_markcmdWarps the player to the marked area.
nav_world_centercmdCenters the nav mesh in the world
nb_blind0GAMEDLLCHEATDisable vision
nb_commandcmdSends a command string to all bots
nb_debug_filtercmdAdd items to the NextBot debug filter. Items can be entindexes or part of the indentifier of one or more bots.
nb_debug_history0GAMEDLLCHEATIf true, each bot keeps a history of debug output in memory
nb_debug_known_entities0GAMEDLLCHEATShow the 'known entities' for the bot that is the current spectator target
nb_debug_spectatefilter0GAMEDLLCHEATIf 1, nextbot debug will only show for the observer target.
nb_force_look_atcmdForce selected bot to look at the local player's position
nb_head_aim_resettle_angle100GAMEDLLCHEATAfter rotating through this angle, the bot pauses to 'recenter' its virtual mouse on its virtual mousepad
nb_head_aim_resettle_time0GAMEDLLCHEATHow long the bot pauses to 'recenter' its virtual mouse on its virtual mousepad
nb_move_to_cursorcmdTell all NextBots to move to the cursor position
nb_nav_combat_build_rate0GAMEDLLCHEATGunfire/second increase (combat caps at 1.0)
nb_nav_combat_decay_rate0GAMEDLLCHEATDecay/second toward zero
nb_nav_death_build_rate0GAMEDLLCHEATDeath increase (caps at 1.0)
nb_nav_death_decay_rate0GAMEDLLCHEATDecay/second toward zero
nb_nav_in_combat_duration30GAMEDLLCHEATHow long after gunfire occurs is this area still considered to be 'in combat'
nb_nav_show_blocked_areas0GAMEDLLCHEATHighlight areas that are considered blocked for TF-specific reasons
nb_nav_show_bomb_target_distance0GAMEDLLCHEATDisplay travel distances to bomb target
nb_nav_show_enemy_invasion_areas0GAMEDLLCHEATHighlight areas where the enemy team enters the visible environment of the local player
nb_nav_show_incursion_distance0GAMEDLLCHEATDisplay travel distances from current spawn room (1=red, 2=blue)
nb_nav_show_incursion_flow_gradient0GAMEDLLCHEAT1 = red, 2 = blue
nb_nav_show_incursion_flow_range150GAMEDLLCHEAT1 = red, 2 = blue
nb_nav_show_incursion_range0GAMEDLLCHEAT1 = red, 2 = blue
nb_nav_show_incursion_range_max0GAMEDLLCHEATHighlight areas with incursion distances between min and max cvar values
nb_nav_show_incursion_range_min0GAMEDLLCHEATHighlight areas with incursion distances between min and max cvar values
nb_nav_show_mesh_decoration0GAMEDLLCHEATHighlight special areas
nb_nav_show_mesh_decoration_manual0GAMEDLLCHEATHighlight special areas marked by hand
nb_nav_show_turf_ownership0GAMEDLLCHEATColor nav area by smallest incursion distance
nb_nav_show_valid_spawn_points0GAMEDLLCHEATShow points > 11 score ( 1 = team_one , 2 = team_two )
nb_player_crouch0GAMEDLLCHEATForce bots to crouch
nb_player_move1GAMEDLLCHEATPrevents bots from moving
nb_player_stop0GAMEDLLCHEATStop all NextBotPlayers from updating
nb_player_walk0GAMEDLLCHEATForce bots to walk
nb_selectcmdSelect the bot you are aiming at for further debug operations.
nb_warp_selected_herecmdTeleport the selected bot to your cursor position
net_blockmsg0CHEATDiscards incoming message: <0|1|name>
net_channelscmdShows net channel info
net_compressvoice0Attempt to compress out of band voice payloads (360 only).
net_drawslider0Draw completion slider during signon
net_droppackets0CHEATDrops next n packets on client
net_dumpeventstatscmdDumps out a report of game event network usage
net_fakejitter0CHEATJitter fakelag packet time
net_fakelag0CHEATLag all incoming network data (including loopback) by this many milliseconds.
net_fakeloss0CHEATSimulate packet loss as a percentage (negative means drop 1/n packets)
net_maxcleartime4Max # of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting (0 == no limit).
net_maxfilesize50Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB
net_maxfragments1200Max fragment bytes per packet
net_maxroutable1200ARCHIVEUSERINFORequested max packet size before packets are 'split'.
net_public_adr0For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet, this is the public facing ip address string: ('x.x.x.x'
net_queued_packet_thread1Use a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame.
net_showeventlisteners0Show listening addition/removals
net_showevents0CHEATDump game events to console (1=client only, 2=all).
net_showfragments0Show netchannel fragments
net_showpeaks0Show messages for large packets only: <size>
net_showsplits0Show info about packet splits
net_showtcp0Dump TCP stream summary to console
net_showudp0Dump UDP packets summary to console
net_showudp_oob0Dump OOB UDP packets summary to console
net_showudp_remoteonly0Dump non-loopback udp only
net_splitpacket_maxrate15000Max bytes per second when queueing splitpacket chunks
net_splitrate1Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame
net_startcmdInits multiplayer network sockets
net_statuscmdShows current network status
net_steamcnx_statuscmdPrint status of steam connection sockets.
net_usesocketsforloopback0Use network sockets layer even for listen server local player's packets (multiplayer only).
next0CHEATSet to 1 to advance to next frame ( when singlestep == 1 )
nextlevel0GAMEDLLNOTIFYIf set to a valid map name, will change to this map during the next changelevel
noclipcmdToggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable
notargetcmdToggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs.
npc_height_adjust1ARCHIVEGAMEDLLEnable test mode for ik height adjustment
obj_capture_damage0GAMEDLLCaptures all damage taken by objects for dumping later.
obj_show_damage0GAMEDLLShow all damage taken by objects.
paintsplat_bias0CHEATREPLICATEDChange bias value for computing circle buffer
paintsplat_max_alpha_noise0CHEATREPLICATEDMax noise value of circle alpha
particle_test_attach_attachment0GAMEDLLCHEATAttachment index for attachment mode
particle_test_attach_mode0GAMEDLLCHEATPossible Values: 'start_at_attachment', 'follow_attachment', 'start_at_origin', 'follow_origin'
particle_test_file0GAMEDLLCHEATName of the particle system to dynamically spawn
particle_test_startcmdDispatches the test particle system with the parameters specified in particle_test_file, particle_test_attach_mode and particl
particle_test_stopcmdStops all particle systems on the selected entities. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what playe
password0ARCHIVEDONTRECORDCurrent server access password
pathcmdShow the engine filesystem path.
pausecmdToggle the server pause state.
perf_fire_bullet_firstpredictedonly1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDOnly do effects tracing, etc., first time a CUserCmd is predicted.
phys_penetration_error_time10GAMEDLLControls the duration of vphysics penetration error boxes.
phys_timescale1GAMEDLLScale time for physics
physics_budgetcmdTimes the cost of each active object
physics_constraintscmdHighlights constraint system graph for an entity
physics_debug_entitycmdDumps debug info for an entity
physics_highlight_activecmdTurns on the absbox for all active physics objects
physics_report_activecmdLists all active physics objects
physics_selectcmdDumps debug info for an entity
pickercmdToggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the play
pingcmdDisplay ping to server.
pingservercmdPing a server for info
player_debug_print_damage0GAMEDLLCHEATWhen true, print amount and type of all damage received by player to console.
plugin_loadcmdplugin_load <filename> : loads a plugin
plugin_pausecmdplugin_pause <index> : pauses a loaded plugin
plugin_pause_allcmdpauses all loaded plugins
plugin_printcmdPrints details about loaded plugins
plugin_unloadcmdplugin_unload <index> : unloads a plugin
plugin_unpausecmdplugin_unpause <index> : unpauses a disabled plugin
plugin_unpause_allcmdunpauses all disabled plugins
prop_crosshaircmdShows name for prop looking at
prop_debugcmdToggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond phys
prop_dynamic_createcmdCreates a dynamic prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}
prop_physics_createcmdCreates a physics prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}
props_break_max_pieces-1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMaximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
props_break_max_pieces_perframe-1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMaximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default)
quitcmdExit the engine.
r_ambientboost1Set to boost ambient term if it is totally swamped by local lights
r_ambientfactor5Boost ambient cube by no more than this factor
r_ambientfraction0CHEATFraction of direct lighting used to boost lighting when model requests
r_ambientmin0Threshold above which ambient cube will not boost (i.e. it's already sufficiently bright
r_debugrandomstaticlighting0CHEATSet to 1 to randomize static lighting for debugging. Must restart for change to take affect.
r_decalstaticprops1Decal static props test
r_dispcombinecalls0CHEATExperimental feature that combines the draw calls of displacements
r_drawbatchdecals1Render decals batched.
r_drawbrushmodels1CHEATRender brush models. 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawdecals1CHEATRender decals.
r_DrawDisp1CHEATToggles rendering of displacment maps
r_drawfuncdetail1CHEATRender func_detail
r_drawleaf-1CHEATDraw the specified leaf.
r_drawlightcache0CHEAT0: off 1: draw light cache entries 2: draw rays
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax1ARCHIVEtime in milliseconds beyond which a model overlay is fully red in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin0ARCHIVEtime in milliseconds that a model must take to render before showing an overlay in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
r_drawstaticprops1CHEAT0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawworld1CHEATRender the world.
r_eyeglintlodpixels20The number of pixels wide an eyeball has to be before rendering an eyeglint. Is a floating point value.
r_fastzreject0Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware
r_fastzrejectdisp0Activates/deactivates fast z rejection on displacements (360 only). Only active when r_fastzreject is on.
r_flushlodcmdFlush and reload LODs.
r_hidepaintedsurfaces0If enabled, hides all surfaces which have been painted.
r_lightaverage1Activates/deactivate light averaging
r_lightinterp5CHEATControls the speed of light interpolation, 0 turns off interpolation
r_lockpvs0CHEATLock the PVS so you can fly around and inspect what is being drawn.
r_modelAmbientMin0CHEATMinimum value for the ambient lighting on dynamic models with more than one bone (like players and their guns).
r_novis0CHEATTurn off the PVS.
r_occludeemaxarea0Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
r_occluderminarea0Prevents this occluder from being used if it takes up less than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
r_occludermincount0At least this many occluders will be used, no matter how big they are.
r_occlusion1Activate/deactivate the occlusion system.
r_occlusionspew0CHEATActivate/deactivates spew about what the occlusion system is doing.
r_partition_level-1CHEATDisplays a particular level of the spatial partition system. Use -1 to disable it.
r_portal_use_pvs_optimization1Enables an optimization that allows portals to be culled when outside of the PVS.
r_proplightingfromdisk0CHEAT0=Off, 1=On, 2=Show Errors
r_proplightingpooling-1CHEAT0 - off, 1 - static prop color meshes are allocated from a single shared vertex buffer (on hardware that supports stream offset
r_queued_decals0Offloads a bit of decal rendering setup work to the material system queue when enabled.
r_rootlod0Root LOD
r_shadow_deferred0CHEATToggle deferred shadow rendering
r_skybox_draw_last0CHEATDraws skybox after world brush geometry, rather than before.
r_spray_lifetime10Number of rounds player sprays are visible
r_visocclusion0CHEATActivate/deactivate wireframe rendering of what the occlusion system is doing.
rcon_password0DONTRECORDremote console password.
recompute_speedcmdRecomputes clock speed (for debugging purposes).
reloadcmdReload the most recent saved game (add setpos to jump to current view position on reload).
remove_upgradecmdRemove weapon upgrade for active weapon to the player
removeidcmdRemove a user ID from the ban list.
removeipcmdRemove an IP address from the ban list.
report_entitiescmdLists all entities
report_simthinklistcmdLists all simulating/thinking entities
report_soundpatchcmdreports sound patch count
report_touchlinkscmdLists all touchlinks
reset_gameconvarscmdReset a bunch of game convars to default values
respawn_entitiescmdRespawn all the entities in the map.
restartcmdRestart the game on the same level (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart).
rr_debugresponseconcept0GAMEDLLIf set, rr_debugresponses will print only responses testing for the specified concept
rr_debugresponses0GAMEDLLShow verbose matching output (1 for simple, 2 for rule scoring, 3 for noisy). If set to 4, it will only show response success/f
rr_debugrule0GAMEDLLIf set to the name of the rule, that rule's score will be shown whenever a concept is passed into the response rules system.
rr_dumpresponses0GAMEDLLDump all response_rules.txt and rules (requires restart)
rr_followup_maxdist1800GAMEDLLCHEAT'then ANY' or 'then ALL' response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
rr_forceconceptcmdfire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> 'criteria1:value1,criteria2:va
rr_reloadresponsesystemscmdReload all response system scripts.
rr_thenany_score_slop0GAMEDLLCHEATWhen computing respondents for a 'THEN ANY' rule, all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considere
saycmdDisplay player message
say_teamcmdDisplay player message to team
sb_reloadcmdReload sourcebans config and ban reason menu options
sb_short_message0Use shorter message for displying prev bans
sc_joystick_map1ARCHIVEHow to map the analog joystick deadzone and extents 0 = Scaled Cross, 1 = Concentric Mapping to Square.
scene_async_prefetch_spew0GAMEDLLDisplay async .ani file loading info.
scene_clientflex1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDDo client side flex animation.
scene_clientplayback1GAMEDLLPlay all vcds on the clients.
scene_flushcmdFlush all .vcds from the cache and reload from disk.
scene_forcecombined0GAMEDLLWhen playing back, force use of combined .wav files even in english.
scene_maxcaptionradius1200GAMEDLLOnly show closed captions if recipient is within this many units of speaking actor (0==disabled).
scene_playvcdcmdPlay the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene.
scene_print0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDWhen playing back a scene, print timing and event info to console.
scene_showlook0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLWhen playing back, show the directions of look events.
scene_showmoveto0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLWhen moving, show the end location.
scene_showunlock0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLShow when a vcd is playing but normal AI is running.
server_game_timecmdGives the game time in seconds (server's curtime)
setangcmdSnap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setang_exactcmdSnap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setmastercmdadd/remove/enable/disable master servers
setmodelcmdChanges's player's model
setpausecmdSet the pause state of the server.
setposcmdMove player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
setpos_exactcmdMove player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
setpos_playercmdMove specified player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
shakecmdShake the screen.
showtriggers0GAMEDLLCHEATShows trigger brushes
showtriggers_togglecmdToggle show triggers
simple_bot_addcmdAdd a simple bot.
singlestep0CHEATRun engine in single step mode ( set next to 1 to advance a frame )
skill1ARCHIVEGame skill level (1-3).
skip_next_mapcmdSkips the next map in the map rotation for the server.
sleep_when_meeting_framerate1Sleep instead of spinning if we're meeting the desired framerate.
sleep_when_meeting_framerate_headroom_ms1Only sleep if the current frame has at least this much time remaining, otherwise spin.
smcmdSourceMod Menu
sm_addbancmdsm_addban <time> <steamid> [reason]
sm_admincmdDisplays the admin menu
sm_admin_cheats_level0SS_ADDEDLevel required to execute cheat commands
sm_admin_cheats_version0NOTIFYREPLICATEDVersion Information
sm_adminoffcmdHide you from the public !admins list.
sm_adminoncmdShow you on the public !admins list.
sm_adminscmdDisplays Admins to players
sm_advertisements_enabled1Enable/disable displaying advertisements.
sm_advertisements_file0File to read the advertisements from.
sm_advertisements_interval30Amount of seconds between advertisements.
sm_advertisements_reloadcmdReload the advertisements
sm_advertisements_version0SPONLYNOTIFYREPLICATEDDisplay advertisements
sm_ammocheck_attack_delay1NOTIFYDelay in seconds until next attack when checking ammo
sm_ammocheck_enabled1NOTIFYAllow clients to use check_ammo and post-reload ammo checks
sm_ammocheck_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDAdds a check_ammo command for clients to get approximate ammo left in magazine, and display the same message when loading a new
sm_bancmdsm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
sm_banipcmdsm_banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]
sm_basepath0SourceMod base path (set via command line)
sm_beaconcmdsm_beacon <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_beacon_radius375Sets the radius for beacon's light rings.
sm_blindcmdsm_blind <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset.
sm_botcount_enabled0NOTIFYsets whether bot naming is enabled
sm_botcount_timer60NOTIFYFrequency to show count
sm_botcount_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDShows Bots Left Alive
sm_botnames_announce0NOTIFYsets whether to announce bots when added
sm_botnames_enabled1NOTIFYsets whether bot naming is enabled
sm_botnames_list0NOTIFYSet list to use for bots
sm_botnames_prefix0NOTIFYsets a prefix for bot names (include a trailing space, if needed!)
sm_botnames_random1NOTIFYsets whether to randomize names used
sm_botnames_suppress1NOTIFYsets whether to supress join/team change/name change bot messages
sm_botnames_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDGives automatic names to bots on creation.
sm_botspawns_counterattack_finale_infinite0NOTIFYObey sm_botspawns_counterattack_respawn_mode (0), use rules and do infinite respawns (1)
sm_botspawns_counterattack_frac0NOTIFYMultiplier to total bots for spawning in counterattack wave
sm_botspawns_counterattack_mode0NOTIFYDo not alter default game spawning during counterattacks (0), Respawn using new rules during counterattack by following sm_bots
sm_botspawns_enabled0NOTIFYEnable enhanced bot spawning features
sm_botspawns_max_fireteam_size5NOTIFYMax number of bots to spawn per fireteam. Default 5
sm_botspawns_max_frac_in_game1NOTIFYMax multiplier of bot quota to have alive at any time. Set to 1 to emulate standard spawning.
sm_botspawns_max_objective_distance12000NOTIFYMax distance from next objective to spawn
sm_botspawns_max_player_distance16000NOTIFYMax distance from players to spawn
sm_botspawns_max_spawn_delay30NOTIFYMax delay in seconds for spawning. Set to 0 for instant.
sm_botspawns_min_counterattack_distance3600NOTIFYMin distance from counterattack objective to spawn
sm_botspawns_min_fireteam_size3NOTIFYMin number of bots to spawn per fireteam. Default 3
sm_botspawns_min_frac_in_game0NOTIFYMin multiplier of bot quota to have alive at any time. Set to 1 to emulate standard spawning.
sm_botspawns_min_objective_distance1NOTIFYMin distance from next objective to spawn
sm_botspawns_min_player_distance1200NOTIFYMin distance from players to spawn
sm_botspawns_min_spawn_delay1NOTIFYMin delay in seconds for spawning. Set to 0 for instant.
sm_botspawns_remove_unseen_when_capping1NOTIFYSilently kill off all unseen bots when capping next point (1, default)
sm_botspawns_spawn_attack_delay10NOTIFYDelay in seconds for spawning bots to wait before firing.
sm_botspawns_spawn_mode0NOTIFYOnly normal spawnpoints at the objective, the old way (0), spawn in hiding spots following rules (1), spawnpoints that meet rul
sm_botspawns_spawn_snipers_alone1NOTIFYSpawn snipers alone, can be 50% further from the objective than normal bots if this is enabled?
sm_botspawns_stop_spawning_at_objective1NOTIFYStop spawning new bots when near next objective (1, default)
sm_botspawns_total_spawn_frac1NOTIFYTotal number of bots to spawn as multiple of number of bots in game to simulate larger numbers. 1 is standard, values less than
sm_botspawns_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDAdds a number of options and ways to handle bot spawns
sm_burncmdsm_burn <#userid|name> [time]
sm_burn_duration20Sets the default duration of sm_burn and firebomb victims.
sm_chatcmdsm_chat <message> - sends message to admins
sm_chat_mode1Allows player's to send messages to admin chat.
sm_cookiescmdsm_cookies <name> [value]
sm_corecfgfile0SourceMod core configuration file
sm_csaycmdsm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
sm_cvarcmdsm_cvar <cvar> [value]
sm_cvarlistcmdsm_cvarlist <search strings> [/listed] or [/unlisted] [/defaults] [/file]
sm_cvarlist_version1SPONLYNOTIFYsm_cvarlist version
sm_damage_report_version1SPONLYNOTIFYREPLICATEDDamage report version
sm_damagemod_enabled1NOTIFYEnable Damage Mod plugin
sm_damagemod_ff_min_distance120NOTIFYMinimum distance between players for Friendly Fire to register
sm_damagemod_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDModifies damage before applying to players
sm_datetime_format0Default formatting time rules
sm_deadtalk0Controls how dead communicate. 0 - Off. 1 - Dead players ignore teams. 2 - Dead players talk to living teammates.
sm_debug_connect0Log Debug information about potential connection issues.
sm_downloader_version1NOTIFYSM File Downloader and Precacher Version
sm_drugcmdsm_drug <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_dump_admcachecmdDumps the admin cache for debugging
sm_dump_classescmdDumps the class list as a text file
sm_dump_datamapscmdDumps the data map list as a text file
sm_dump_handlescmdDumps Handle usage to a file for finding Handle leaks
sm_dump_netpropscmdDumps the networkable property table as a text file
sm_dump_netprops_xmlcmdDumps the networkable property table as an XML file
sm_dump_tepropscmdDumps tempentity props to a file
sm_events_keylistencmdStart or stop listening to an event's keys
sm_events_keylistentoallcmdStart listening to all event keys
sm_events_listencmdStart or stop listening to an event
sm_events_listentoallcmdStart listening to all events
sm_events_listeventscmdList all hooked events
sm_events_listkeyscmdList all keys for an event
sm_events_prefix0NOTIFYWhat to prefix on event messages
sm_events_searcheventscmdSearch for events
sm_events_stoplistencmdStop listening to all events and keys
sm_events_version1NOTIFYREPLICATEDDONTRECORDVersion of Event Info on this server
sm_execcfgcmdsm_execcfg <filename>
sm_firebombcmdsm_firebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_firebomb_mode0Who is targetted by the FireBomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone
sm_firebomb_radius600Sets the bomb blast radius.
sm_firebomb_ticks10Sets how long the FireBomb fuse is.
sm_flood_time0Amount of time allowed between chat messages
sm_freezecmdsm_freeze <#userid|name> [time]
sm_freeze_duration10Sets the default duration for sm_freeze and freezebomb victims
sm_freezebombcmdsm_freezebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_freezebomb_mode0Who is targetted by the freezebomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone
sm_freezebomb_radius600Sets the freezebomb blast radius.
sm_freezebomb_ticks10Sets how long the freezebomb fuse is.
sm_gagcmdsm_gag <player> - Removes a player's ability to use chat.
sm_gravitycmdsm_gravity <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset. Amount is 0.0 through 5.0
sm_helpcmdDisplays SourceMod commands and descriptions
sm_hide_slots0If set to 1, reserved slots will hidden (subtracted from the max slot count)
sm_hop_advertise1Set to 1 to enable server advertisements
sm_hop_advertisement_interval1Advertisement interval: advertise a server every x minute(s)
sm_hop_broadcasthops1Set to 1 if you want a broadcast message when a player hops to another server
sm_hop_serverformat0Defines how the server info should be presented
sm_hop_trigger0What players have to type in chat to activate the plugin (besides !hop)
sm_hsaycmdsm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players
sm_immunity_mode1SPONLYMode for deciding immunity protection
sm_insurgency_class_strip_words0NOTIFYStrings to strip out of player class (squad slot) names
sm_insurgency_disable_sliding0NOTIFY0: do nothing, 1: disable for everyone, 2: disable for Security, 3: disable for Insurgents
sm_insurgency_enabled1NOTIFYsets whether log fixing is enabled
sm_insurgency_infinite_ammo0NOTIFYInfinite ammo, still uses magazines and needs to reload
sm_insurgency_infinite_magazine0NOTIFYInfinite magazine, will never need reloading.
sm_insurgency_log_level0NOTIFYLogging level, values can be: all, trace, debug, info, warn, error
sm_insurgency_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDProvides functions to support Insurgency. Includes logging, round statistics, weapon names, player class names, and more.
sm_kickcmdsm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
sm_killerinfocmdOn/Off Killer info display
sm_listbanscmdsm_listsbbans <#userid|name> - Lists a user's prior bans from Sourcebans
sm_mapcmdsm_map <map>
sm_menu_sounds1Sets whether SourceMod menus play trigger sounds
sm_msaycmdsm_msay <message> - sends message as a menu panel
sm_mutecmdsm_mute <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice.
sm_noclipcmdsm_noclip <#userid|name>
sm_nofog_enabled1NOTIFYsets whether bot naming is enabled
sm_nofog_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDRemoves fog
sm_playcmdsm_play <#userid|name> <filename>
sm_print_telistcmdPrints the temp entity list
sm_psaycmdsm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
sm_rconcmdsm_rcon <args>
sm_rehashcmdReload SQL admins
sm_reload_translationscmdReparses all loaded translation files
sm_renamecmdsm_rename <#userid|name>
sm_reserve_kicktype0How to select a client to kick (if appropriate)
sm_reserve_maxadmins1Maximum amount of admins to let in the server with reserve type 2
sm_reserve_type0Method of reserving slots
sm_reserved_slots0Number of reserved player slots
sm_resetcvarcmdsm_resetcvar <cvar>
sm_respawncmdsm_respawn <#userid|name>
sm_respawn_auto0Automatically respawn players when they die; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
sm_respawn_count0Respawn all players this many times
sm_respawn_count_team2-1Respawn all Team 2 players this many times
sm_respawn_count_team3-1Respawn all Team 3 players this many times
sm_respawn_counterattack0Respawn during counterattack? (0: no, 1: yes, 2: infinite)
sm_respawn_delay1How many seconds to delay the respawn
sm_respawn_enabled0Enable respawn plugin
sm_respawn_final_counterattack0Respawn during final counterattack? (0: no, 1: yes, 2: infinite)
sm_respawn_reset_each_objective1Reset player respawn counts each objective
sm_respawn_reset_each_round1Reset player respawn counts each round
sm_respawn_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDRespawn players
sm_restrictedarea_enabled1NOTIFYsets whether bot naming is enabled
sm_restrictedarea_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDPlugin for removing Restricted Areas
sm_rpgdrift_always_bots1NOTIFYAlways affect bot-fired rockets
sm_rpgdrift_amount2NOTIFYSets RPG drift max change per tick
sm_rpgdrift_chance0NOTIFYChance as a fraction of 1 that a player-fired rocket will be affected
sm_rpgdrift_enabled1NOTIFYSets whether RPG drifting is enabled
sm_rpgdrift_version0NOTIFYDONTRECORDAdjusts behavior of RPG rounds
sm_saycmdsm_say <message> - sends message to all players
sm_searchcmdcmdSearches SourceMod commands
sm_show_activity0SPONLYActivity display setting (see sourcemod.cfg)
sm_silencecmdsm_silence <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.
sm_slapcmdsm_slap <#userid|name> [damage]
sm_slaycmdsm_slay <#userid|name>
sm_suicidebomb_auto_detonate_count2NOTIFYDo not detonate until this many enemies are in range
sm_suicidebomb_auto_detonate_range0NOTIFYRange at which to automatically set off the bomb (0 is disabled)
sm_suicidebomb_bots_only1NOTIFYOnly apply suicide bomber code to bots
sm_suicidebomb_death_chance0NOTIFYChance as a fraction of 1 that a bomber will explode when killed
sm_suicidebomb_enabled1NOTIFYsets whether suicide bombs are enabled
sm_suicidebomb_explode_armed1NOTIFYExplode when killed if C4 or IED is in hand
sm_suicidebomb_player_classes0NOTIFYPlayer classes to apply suicide bomber changes to
sm_suicidebomb_spawn_delay30NOTIFYDo not detonate if player has been alive less than this many seconds
sm_suicidebomb_strip_weapons1NOTIFYRemove all weapons from suicide bombers except the bomb
sm_suicidebomb_version0NOTIFYDONTRECORDAdds suicide bomb for bots
sm_time_adjustment0Adjusts the server time in seconds
sm_timebombcmdsm_timebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_timebomb_mode0Who is killed by the timebomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone
sm_timebomb_radius600Sets the bomb blast radius.
sm_timebomb_ticks10Sets how long the timebomb fuse is.
sm_timeleft_interval0Display timeleft every x seconds. Default 0.
sm_trigger_show0Display triggers message to all players? (0 off, 1 on, def. 0)
sm_tsaycmdsm_tsay [color] <message> - sends top-left message to all players
sm_unbancmdsm_unban <steamid|ip> [reason]
sm_ungagcmdsm_ungag <player> - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
sm_unmutecmdsm_unmute <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice.
sm_unsilencecmdsm_unsilence <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
sm_updater2Determines update functionality. (1 = Notify, 2 = Download, 3 = Include source code)
sm_updater_checkcmdForces Updater to check for updates.
sm_updater_statuscmdView the status of Updater.
sm_votecmdsm_vote <question> [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5]
sm_vote_alltalk0percent required for successful alltalk vote.
sm_vote_ban0percent required for successful ban vote.
sm_vote_burn0percent required for successful burn vote.
sm_vote_delay30Sets the recommended time in between public votes
sm_vote_ff0percent required for successful friendly fire vote.
sm_vote_gravity0percent required for successful gravity vote.
sm_vote_kick0percent required for successful kick vote.
sm_vote_map0percent required for successful map vote.
sm_vote_progress_chat0Show current vote progress as chat messages
sm_vote_progress_client_console0Show current vote progress as console messages to clients
sm_vote_progress_console0Show current vote progress as console messages
sm_vote_progress_hintbox0Show current vote progress in a hint box
sm_vote_slay0percent required for successful slay vote.
sm_votebancmdsm_voteban <player> [reason]
sm_voteburncmdsm_voteburn <player>
sm_votegravitycmdsm_votegravity <amount> [amount2] ... [amount5]
sm_votekickcmdsm_votekick <player> [reason]
sm_votelog_enabled1NOTIFYEnable vote logging
sm_votelog_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDLogs voting events
sm_votemapcmdsm_votemap <mapname> [mapname2] ... [mapname5]
sm_voteslaycmdsm_voteslay <player>
sm_weapon_pickup_ammo1NOTIFYsets whether picking up a weapon the player already has will add to the player's ammo count
sm_weapon_pickup_enabled1NOTIFYsets whether weapon pickup manipulation is enabled
sm_weapon_pickup_max_explosive3NOTIFYMaximum number of ammo that can be carried for explosives
sm_weapon_pickup_max_magazine12NOTIFYMaximum number of magazines that can be carried
sm_weapon_pickup_version1NOTIFYDONTRECORDWeapon Pickup logic for manipulating player inventory
sm_webcmdOpen URL for target
sm_whocmdsm_who [#userid|name]
smoothstairs1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDSmooth player eye z coordinate when traversing stairs.
snd_foliage_db_loss4CHEATfoliage dB loss per 1200 units
snd_refdb60CHEATReference dB at snd_refdist
snd_refdist36CHEATReference distance for snd_refdb
snd_restartcmdRestart sound system.
snd_vox_captiontrace0Shows sentence name for sentences which are set not to show captions.
solo_timer_pregame1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPregame timer in seconds (solo)
solo_timer_preround3GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPreround timer in seconds (solo)
soundpatch_captionlength-1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long looping soundpatch captions should display for.
soundscape_debug0GAMEDLLCHEATWhen on, draws lines to all env_soundscape entities. Green lines show the active soundscape, red lines show soundscapes that ar
soundscape_flushcmdFlushes the server & client side soundscapes
sourcemod_version1SPONLYNOTIFYREPLICATEDSourceMod Version
spawnpoint_debug0GAMEDLLCHEATDisplay debugging information on each spawn point. You must active this cvar before loading a level!
spec_allow_bots0GAMEDLLNOTIFYCan we spectate bots in coop?
spec_freeze_deathanim_time2GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDThe time that the death cam will spend watching the player's ragdoll before going into freeze cam
spec_freeze_distance_max80GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDMaximum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam when t hey are far away from the camer
spec_freeze_distance_min60GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDMinimum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_enable0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDToggle FreezeCam
spec_freeze_fov65GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDFOV while in FreezeCam
spec_freeze_roll-15GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDCamera roll tilt while freeze cam is active.
spec_freeze_time4GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDTime spend frozen in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_traveltime0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDTime taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_zoffset_max-10GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDMaximum random z distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_zoffset_min-20GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDMinimum random z distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
spikecmdgenerates a fake spike
ss_mapcmdStart playing on specified map with max allowed splitscreen players.
ss_voice_hearpartner0Route voice between splitscreen players on same system.
star_memorycmdDump memory stats
statscmdPrints server performance variables
statuscmdDisplay map and connection status.
stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries0Rebuild dictionary file on every level load
stringtable_compress1Compress string table for networking
stringtable_showsizes0Show sizes of string tables when building for signon
stringtable_usedictionaries0Use dictionaries for string table networking
stringtabledictionarycmdCreate dictionary for current strings.
stuffcmdscmdParses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer.
surfacepropcmdReports the surface properties at the cursor
sv_allchat1GAMEDLLNOTIFYPlayers can receive all other players' text chat, team restrictions apply
sv_allow_point_servercommand0GAMEDLLAllow use of point_servercommand entities in map. Potentially dangerous for untrusted maps. disallow : Always disallow alwa
sv_allow_votes1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDAllow voting?
sv_allow_wait_command1REPLICATEDAllow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_allowdownload1Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload1Allow clients to upload customizations files
sv_alltalk1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDPlayers can hear all other players, no team restrictions
sv_alltalk_dead0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDDead players broadcast their voice to enemies?
sv_alltalk_endgame1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAll talk enabled at the end of the game?
sv_alltalk_intermission1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDAll talk enabled between rounds?
sv_alternateticks0If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_autosave1GAMEDLLSet to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers.
sv_battleye0REPLICATEDEnable BattlEye?
sv_benchmark_autovprofrecord0GAMEDLLIf running a benchmark and this is set, it will record a vprof file over the duration of the benchmark with filename benchmark.
sv_benchmark_force_startcmdForce start the benchmark. This is only for debugging. It's better to set sv_benchmark to 1 and restart the level.
sv_benchmark_numticks3300GAMEDLLIf > 0, then it only runs the benchmark for this # of ticks.
sv_bonus_challenge0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDSet to values other than 0 to select a bonus map challenge type.
sv_breathing_particles1GAMEDLLCHEATEnables breathing particle effect
sv_cacheencodedents1If set to 1, does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls.
sv_changelevel_next_round0GAMEDLLNOTIFYChange level next round?
sv_cheats0NOTIFYREPLICATEDAllow cheats on server
sv_clearhinthistorycmdClear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
sv_client_cmdrate_difference20REPLICATEDcl_cmdrate is moved to within sv_client_cmdrate_difference units of cl_updaterate before it is clamped between sv_mincmdrate an
sv_client_max_interp_ratio5REPLICATEDThis can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). If sv_client_min_
sv_client_min_interp_ratio1REPLICATEDThis can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1
sv_client_predict-1REPLICATEDThis can be used to force the value of cl_predict for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 = let clients se
sv_clockcorrection_msecs30GAMEDLLThe server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount
sv_consistency0REPLICATEDWhether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_contact0NOTIFYContact email for server sysop
sv_dc_friends_reqd0GAMEDLLSet this to 0 to allow direct connects to a game in progress even if no presents are present
sv_deadtalk0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCan chat messages from dead players be seen by living?
sv_deadtalk_team1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCan dead players use team text chat to speak to living?
sv_deadvoice1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCan dead players speak to the living?
sv_debug_player_use0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDVisualizes +use logic. Green cross=trace success, Red cross=trace too far, Green box=radius success
sv_debugmanualmode0Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed.
sv_debugtempentities0Show temp entity bandwidth usage.
sv_deltaprint0Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on)
sv_deltatime0Enable profiling of CalcDelta calls
sv_downloadurl0REPLICATEDLocation from which clients can download missing files
sv_dump_serialized_entities_memcmdDump serialized entity allocations stats.
sv_enable_delta_packing0When enabled, this allows for entity packing to use the property changes for building up the data. This is many times faster, b
sv_enableoldqueries0Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries
sv_extra_client_connect_time15Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-delta'd update
sv_filterban1Set packet filtering by IP mode
sv_footstep_low_time_sound900GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDHow frequent to hear the player's step sound or how fast they appear to be running from first person.
sv_footstep_run_time_sound740GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDHow frequent to hear the player's step sound or how fast they appear to be running from first person.
sv_footstep_sound_frequency0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDHow frequent to hear the player's step sound or how fast they appear to be running from first person.
sv_footstep_sprint_time_sound340GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDHow frequent to hear the player's step sound or how fast they appear to be running from first person.
sv_footstep_thirdperson0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDEnable the player's step sound or how fast they appear to be running from third person.
sv_forcepreload0ARCHIVEForce server side preloading.
sv_friction4GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDWorld friction.
sv_gravity800GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDWorld gravity.
sv_hibernate_ms20# of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui20# of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating but running the vgui dedicated server frontend
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay5# of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
sv_hibernate_when_empty1Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected
sv_hq_messages_allowed1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDIf 0, HQ messages will be disabled for all players
sv_hud_deathmessages_spectator1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDShow death notices to people spectating?
sv_hud_scoreboard_show_score0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDShow score when alive and out of spawn?
sv_hud_scoreboard_show_score_dead1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDShow score info while dead?
sv_hud_targetindicator_party_color0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSets the color of the target indicator for players in the same party.
sv_hud_targetindicator_party_obstruct0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDHide obstructed target indicators for players in the same party.
sv_hud_targetindicator_squad_color0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSets the color of the target indicator for players in the same squad.
sv_hud_targetindicator_squad_obstruct0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDHide obstructed target indicators for players in the same squad.
sv_hud_targetindicator_teammate_color0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSets the color of the target indicator for players on the same team.
sv_hud_targetindicator_teammate_obstruct1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDHide obstructed target indicators for teammates.
sv_hud_targetindicator_vip_color0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDSets the color of the target indicator for players on the same team.
sv_infinite_ammo0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDPlayer's active weapon will never run out of ammo
sv_lagcompensationforcerestore1GAMEDLLCHEATDon't test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it.
sv_lan0Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
sv_log_onefile0ARCHIVELog server information to only one file.
sv_logbans1ARCHIVELog server bans in the server logs.
sv_logblocks0If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
sv_logecho1ARCHIVEEcho log information to the console.
sv_logfile1ARCHIVELog server information in the log file.
sv_logflush0ARCHIVEFlush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir0ARCHIVEFolder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
sv_logsecret0If set then include this secret when doing UDP logging (will use 0x53 as packet type, not usual 0x52)
sv_map_voting1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDIs map voting enabled?
sv_map_voting_shuffle1GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDInitially use random map selections in the vote rather than using the map cycle order.
sv_master_legacy_mode1Use (outside-of-Steam) code to communicate with master servers.
sv_master_share_game_socket1Use the game's socket to communicate to the master server. If this is 0, then it will create a socket on -steamport + 1 to comm
sv_max_queries_sec3Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address.
sv_max_queries_sec_global60Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
sv_max_queries_window30Window over which to average queries per second averages.
sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks8GAMEDLLPrevents clients from running usercmds too far in the future. Prevents speed hacks.
sv_maxcmdrate64REPLICATED(If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate.
sv_maxrate0REPLICATEDMax bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxreplay0Maximum replay time in seconds
sv_maxroutable1200Server upper bound on net_maxroutable that a client can use.
sv_maxupdaterate64REPLICATEDMaximum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_maxuptimelimit0If set, whenever a game ends, if the uptime is greater than this number of hours, the server will exit
sv_memlimit0If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit.
sv_mincmdrate10REPLICATEDThis sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited.
sv_minrate5000REPLICATEDMin bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minupdaterate10REPLICATEDMinimum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_mumble_positionalaudio1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDAllows players using Mumble to have support for positional audio.
sv_namechange_cooldown_seconds30When a client name change is received, wait N seconds before allowing another name change
sv_noclipduringpause0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDIf cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.).
sv_password0NOTIFYPROTECTEDDONTRECORDServer password for entry into multiplayer games
sv_pausable0Is the server pausable.
sv_playerperfhistorycount20GAMEDLLNumber of samples to maintain in player perf history
sv_playlist0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDActive playlist. Format: sv_playlist <playlist>
sv_precacheinfocmdShow precache info.
sv_purecmdShow user data.
sv_pure_consensus100000000Minimum number of file hashes to agree to form a consensus.
sv_pure_kick_clients1If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
sv_pure_retiretime900Seconds of server idle time to flush the sv_pure file hash cache.
sv_pure_trace0If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file.
sv_pvsskipanimation1ARCHIVEGAMEDLLSkips SetupBones when npc's are outside the PVS
sv_querycache_statscmdDisplay status of the query cache (client only)
sv_radial_cooldown1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDWait time between radial commands
sv_radial_enemy_confirm8GAMEDLLTimeout for enemy spotted confirmation commands
sv_radial_marker_duration15GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long do radial markers persist in the world.
sv_radial_marker_duration_attack10GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long does the waypoint marker persist.
sv_radial_spam_cooldown2GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow long until spam counter resets
sv_radial_spam_delay0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDHow much to increase delay by if radial commands are being spammed
sv_radial_spam_delay_leaderfrac6GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMax possible delay for radial command spamming
sv_radial_viewcone_enemy5GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDViewcone for radial menu FoV enemy check (degrees)
sv_radial_viewcone_objective12GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDViewcone for radial menu FoV objective check (degrees)
sv_radial_vo_enemies420GAMEDLLREPLICATEDIf non-zero, enemy radial commands within this distance are audible
sv_ragdoll_dismemberment1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDEnables meat grinding code, please refrain from eating the meat.
sv_ragdoll_max_fps30GAMEDLLClients with framerates less than this will reduce the ideal number of ragdolls to display
sv_ragdoll_maxcount25GAMEDLLServer will only show this many ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_min_fps10GAMEDLLClients with framerates less than this will only show 1 ragdoll of each type
sv_rcon_banpenalty0Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_log1Enable/disable rcon logging.
sv_rcon_maxfailures10Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_maxpacketbans1Ban IPs for sending RCON packets exceeding the value specified in sv_rcon_maxpacketsize
sv_rcon_maxpacketsize1024The maximum number of bytes to allow in a command packet
sv_rcon_minfailures5Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailuretime30Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications
sv_rcon_whitelist_address0When set, rcon failed authentications will never ban this address, e.g. ''
sv_region255The region of the world to report this server in.
sv_reservation_grace5Time in seconds given for a lobby reservation.
sv_reservation_timeout45Time in seconds before lobby reservation expires.
sv_ruleset0GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDActive playlist ruleset. Format: sv_ruleset <ruleset>
sv_search_key0When searching for a dedicated server from lobby, restrict search to only dedicated servers having the same sv_search_key.
sv_showdamage0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDShows base damage below what sv_showimpacts would show, and if a player was hit he'll show the damage he took above it (as heal
sv_showdebugtracers0GAMEDLLREPLICATED1: Shows a line following bullet path. Blue on client, red on server. (They should always match.) 2:Show autoaim candidates.
sv_showfootsteps0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDShows client (red) and server (green) footsteps (1=client-only, 2=server-only, 3=both)
sv_showhitboxes-1GAMEDLLCHEATSend server-side hitboxes for specified entity to client (NOTE: this uses lots of bandwidth, use on listen server only).
sv_showimpacts0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDShows client (red) and server (blue) bullet impact point (1=both, 2=client-only, 3=server-only)
sv_showimpacts_text0GAMEDLLShow debug text relating to bullet penetration?
sv_showimpacts_time4GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTime that impacts are shown for.
sv_showladders0GAMEDLLShow bbox and dismount points for all ladders (must be set before level load.)
sv_showlagcompensation0GAMEDLLCHEATShow lag compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated.
sv_showplayerhitboxes0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDShow lag compensated hitboxes for the specified player index whenever a player fires.
sv_showtagscmdDescribe current gametags.
sv_shutdowncmdSets the server to shutdown when all games have completed
sv_shutdown_cancelcmdCancels pending sv_shutdown command
sv_shutdown_timeout_minutes360REPLICATEDIf sv_shutdown is pending, wait at most N minutes for server to drain before forcing shutdown.
sv_skyname0ARCHIVEGAMEDLLREPLICATEDCurrent name of the skybox texture
sv_soundemitter_reloadcmdFlushes the sounds.txt system
sv_soundemitter_trace-1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDShow all EmitSound calls including their symbolic name and the actual wave file they resolved to. (-1 = for nobody, 0 = for eve
sv_soundscape_printdebuginfocmdprint soundscapes
sv_stats1Collect CPU usage stats
sv_steamgroup0NOTIFYThe ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your group's ID on the admin profile page in the steam comm
sv_steamgroup_exclusive0If set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when it's empty, public people will be able to join the ser
sv_stopspeed75GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMinimum stopping speed when on ground.
sv_stopspeed_prone45GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDMinimum stopping speed when on ground and prone.
sv_strict_notarget0GAMEDLLIf set, notarget will cause entities to never think they are in the pvs
sv_suppress_steam_score0If enabled, player scores are not sent to the master server and will show as 0 for all players
sv_tags0NOTIFYServer tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.
sv_thinktimecheck0GAMEDLLCheck for thinktimes all on same timestamp.
sv_thirdperson_aimangle45GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCamera aim-cone angle for third-person.
sv_thirdperson_aimdist1000GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCamera aim-point distance for third-person.
sv_thirdperson_dist100GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCamera distance for third-person.
sv_thirdperson_fov75GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCamera FOV for third-person.
sv_thirdperson_height20GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCamera height for third-person.
sv_thirdperson_leandist35GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCamera lean distance for third-person.
sv_thirdperson_mindist25GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCamera minimum distance for third-person.
sv_thirdperson_useangle15GAMEDLLNOTIFYREPLICATEDCamera use-cone angle for third-person.
sv_timeout65After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped
sv_turbophysics1GAMEDLLREPLICATEDTurns on turbo physics
sv_validate_edict_change_infos0Verify that edict changeinfos are being calculated properly (used to debug local network backdoor mode).
sv_visiblemaxplayers-1Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
sv_voicecodec0Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
sv_vote_allow_spectators0GAMEDLLAllow spectators to vote?
sv_vote_failure_timer300GAMEDLLA vote that fails cannot be re-submitted for this long
sv_vote_issue_botcount_allowed0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDCan people hold votes to change AI count?
sv_vote_issue_botcount_min_population0GAMEDLLThe voting population required to pass a bot count vote
sv_vote_issue_botcount_min_ratio0GAMEDLLWhat ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_issue_botdifficulty_allowed0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDCan people hold votes to change AI difficulty?
sv_vote_issue_botdifficulty_min_population0GAMEDLLThe voting population required to pass a next level vote
sv_vote_issue_botdifficulty_min_ratio0GAMEDLLWhat ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_issue_changegamemode_allowed0GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to change the gamemode?
sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed1GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to change levels?
sv_vote_issue_changelevel_wait1GAMEDLLIf enabled, wait until the end of the round to change levels
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed1GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to kick players from the server?
sv_vote_issue_kick_other_team0GAMEDLLCan we kick the other team?
sv_vote_issue_mute_allowed1GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to mute players on the server?
sv_vote_issue_mute_duration30GAMEDLLHow long a mute should last (in minutes)
sv_vote_issue_mute_min_players4GAMEDLLThe minimum number of players needed on the server to start a vote mute.
sv_vote_issue_mute_min_voters3GAMEDLLMinimum number of vote attempts required to start an actual mute.
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed1GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to set the next level?
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend1GAMEDLLAllow players to extend the current map?
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode1GAMEDLLPresent players with a list of maps to choose from?
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_min_population0GAMEDLLThe voting population required to pass a next level vote
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_min_ratio0GAMEDLLHow strong does the yes vote need to be to win? (2.0 = 2x more voters)
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_prevent_change1GAMEDLLNot allowed to vote for a nextlevel if one has already been set.
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_round_count_delay1GAMEDLLHow many rounds before map voting can begin.
sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed1GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to restart the game?
sv_vote_issue_restart_round_allowed1GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to restart the round?
sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed0GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to scramble the teams?
sv_vote_issue_switch_teams_allowed0GAMEDLLCan people hold votes to switch the teams?
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_cheating240GAMEDLLHow long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for hacking? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_idle0GAMEDLLHow long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_teamkilling10GAMEDLLHow long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for team killing? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_trolling60GAMEDLLHow long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for trolling? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_owner1GAMEDLLIf a user is successfully votebanned, shall we also ban the game owner if the game has been shared?
sv_vote_kick_hack_min_population0GAMEDLLThe voting population required to kick a person for hacking
sv_vote_kick_hack_min_ratio0GAMEDLLWhat ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_kick_idle_min_population0GAMEDLLThe voting population required to kick a person for being idle
sv_vote_kick_idle_min_ratio0GAMEDLLWhat ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_kick_min_players4GAMEDLLThe minimum number of players needed on the server to start a vote kick.
sv_vote_kick_min_voters5GAMEDLLMinimum number of vote attempts required to start an actual vote.
sv_vote_kick_tk_min_population0GAMEDLLThe voting population required to kick a person for team killing
sv_vote_kick_tk_min_ratio0GAMEDLLWhat ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_kick_troll_min_population0GAMEDLLThe voting population required to kick a person for trolling
sv_vote_kick_troll_min_ratio0GAMEDLLWhat ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_min_population0GAMEDLLThe voting population required
sv_vote_min_ratio0GAMEDLLWhat ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_ui_hide_disabled_issues1GAMEDLLSuppress listing of disabled issues in the vote setup screen.
sv_workshop_enabled1GAMEDLLEnable Workshop support?
sv_workshop_list_file0GAMEDLLFile containing list of server Workshop files.
sv_workshop_mapcycle_random1GAMEDLLGenerate mapcycle in random order?
sv_workshop_mapcycle_start1GAMEDLLStart Workshop mapcycle if any maps are defined?
sys_minidumpspewlines500Lines of crash dump console spew to keep.
test_dispatcheffectcmdTest a clientside dispatch effect. Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale> Defau
test_entity_blockercmdTest command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player.
Test_LoopcmdTest_Loop <loop name> - loop back to the specified loop start point unconditionally.
Test_LoopCountcmdTest_LoopCount <loop name> <count> - loop back to the specified loop start point the specified # of times.
Test_LoopForNumSecondscmdTest_LoopForNumSeconds <loop name> <time> - loop back to the specified start point for the specified # of seconds.
Test_RandomChancecmdTest_RandomChance <percent chance, 0-100> <token1> <token2...> - Roll the dice and maybe run the command following the percenta
Test_StartLoopcmdTest_StartLoop <loop name> - Denote the start of a loop. Really just defines a named point you can jump to.
Test_StartScriptcmdStart a test script running..
test_xplevelcmdSend fake XP level data to client for testing XP UI
testscript_debug0Debug test scripts.
testscript_running0Set to true when test scripts are running
think_limit0GAMEDLLREPLICATEDMaximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded.
threadpool_affinity1Enable setting affinity
threadpool_cycle_reservecmdCycles threadpool reservation by powers of 2
threadpool_reserve0Consume the specified number of threads in the thread pool
togglecmdToggles a convar on or off, or cycles through a set of values.
tv_allow_camera_man1GAMEDLLAuto director allows spectators to become camera man
tv_allow_static_shots1GAMEDLLAuto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
tv_autorecord0Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos.
tv_autoretry1Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout
tv_chatgroupsize0Set the default chat group size
tv_chattimelimit8Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds
tv_clientscmdShows list of connected SourceTV clients.
tv_debug0SourceTV debug info.
tv_delay30GAMEDLLSourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
tv_delaymapchange0GAMEDLLDelays map change until broadcast is complete
tv_deltacache2Enable delta entity bit stream cache
tv_dispatchmode1Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always
tv_enable0NOTIFYActivates SourceTV on server.
tv_maxclients128Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
tv_maxrate8000Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited
tv_msgcmdSend a screen message to all clients.
tv_name0SourceTV host name
tv_overridemaster0Overrides the SourceTV master root address.
tv_password0NOTIFYPROTECTEDDONTRECORDSourceTV password for all clients
tv_port27020Host SourceTV port
tv_recordcmdStarts SourceTV demo recording.
tv_relaycmdConnect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast.
tv_relaypassword0NOTIFYPROTECTEDDONTRECORDSourceTV password for relay proxies
tv_relayvoice1Relay voice data: 0=off, 1=on
tv_retrycmdReconnects the SourceTV relay proxy.
tv_snapshotrate16Snapshots broadcasted per second
tv_statuscmdShow SourceTV server status.
tv_stopcmdStops the SourceTV broadcast.
tv_stoprecordcmdStops SourceTV demo recording.
tv_timeout30SourceTV connection timeout in seconds.
tv_title0Set title for SourceTV spectator UI
tv_transmitall0REPLICATEDTransmit all entities (not only director view)
unbindcmdUnbind a key.
unbindallcmdUnbind all keys.
unbindalljoystickcmdUnbind all joystick keys.
unbindallmousekeyboardcmdUnbind all mouse / keyboard keys.
unpausecmdUnpause the game.
usecmdUse a particular weapon Arguments: <weapon_name>
usercmdShow user data.
userscmdShow user info for players on server.
vehicle_flushscriptcmdFlush and reload all vehicle scripts
versioncmdPrint version info string.
view_punch_decay11GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDDecay factor exponent for view punch
view_recoil_tracking0GAMEDLLCHEATREPLICATEDHow closely the view tracks with the aim punch from weapon recoil
violence_ablood1Draw alien blood
violence_agibs1Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood1Draw human blood
violence_hgibs1Show human gib entities
voice_inputfromfile0Get voice input from 'voice_input.wav' rather than from the microphone.
voice_mutecmdMute a specific Steam user
voice_recordtofile0Record mic data and decompressed voice data into 'voice_micdata.wav' and 'voice_decompressed.wav'
voice_reset_mutelistcmdReset all mute information for all players who were ever muted.
voice_show_mutecmdShow whether current players are muted.
voice_unmutecmdUnmute a specific Steam user, or `all` to unmute all connected players.
voice_verbose0CHEATTurns on debug output with detailed spew about voice data processing.
vox_reloadcmdReload sentences.txt file
voxeltree_boxcmdView entities in the voxel-tree inside box <Vector(min), Vector(max)>.
voxeltree_playerviewcmdView entities in the voxel-tree at the player position.
voxeltree_spherecmdView entities in the voxel-tree inside sphere <Vector(center), float(radius)>.
voxeltree_viewcmdView entities in the voxel-tree.
vphys_sleep_timeoutcmdset sleep timeout: large values mean stuff won't ever sleep
vprofcmdToggle VProf profiler
vprof_cachemisscmdToggle VProf cache miss checking
vprof_cachemiss_offcmdTurn off VProf cache miss checking
vprof_cachemiss_oncmdTurn on VProf cache miss checking
vprof_dump_counterscmdDump vprof counters to the console
vprof_dump_groupnamescmdWrite the names of all of the vprof groups to the console.
vprof_dump_oninterval0Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up data and dump it to the console.
vprof_dump_spikes0Framerate at which vprof will begin to dump spikes to the console. 0 = disabled, negative to reset after dump
vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group0Budget gtNode to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_hiearchy0Set to 1 to get a hierarchy report whith vprof_dump_spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_node0Node to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_terse0Whether to use most terse output
vprof_generate_reportcmdGenerate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_AIcmdGenerate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_AI_onlycmdGenerate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_budgetcmdGenerate a report to the console based on budget group.
vprof_generate_report_hierarchycmdGenerate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_onlycmdGenerate a minimal hiearchical report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_map_loadcmdGenerate a report to the console.
vprof_offcmdTurn off VProf profiler
vprof_oncmdTurn on VProf profiler
vprof_playback_averagecmdAverage the next N frames.
vprof_playback_startcmdStart playing back a recorded .vprof file.
vprof_playback_stepcmdWhile playing back a .vprof file, step to the next tick.
vprof_playback_stepbackcmdWhile playing back a .vprof file, step to the previous tick.
vprof_playback_stopcmdStop playing back a recorded .vprof file.
vprof_record_startcmdStart recording vprof data for playback later.
vprof_record_stopcmdStop recording vprof data
vprof_resetcmdReset the stats in VProf profiler
vprof_reset_peakscmdReset just the peak time in VProf profiler
vprof_to_csvcmdConvert a recorded .vprof file to .csv.
vprof_vtune_groupcmdenable vtune for a particular vprof group ('disable' to disable)
vx_do_not_throttle_events0Force VXConsole updates every frame; smoother vprof data on PS3 but at a slight (~0.2ms) perf cost.
wipe_nav_attributescmdClear all nav attributes of selected area.
wp_removeweaponscmdRemoves all weapons. Usage: wp_removeweapons [target]
wp_weaponlistcmdLists all weapons. Usage: wp_weaponlist [target]
wp_weaponslotscmdLists weapon slots. Usage: wp_weaponslots [target]
write_dumpcmdForces an instant breakpad dump
writeidcmdWrites a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.
writeipcmdSave the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.
xlsp_force_dc_name0Restrict to xlsp datacenter by name.
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